Chapter Seventy Four — Marriage that Torments

Third Person Pov

"What is this I'm hearing about your wife no longer living with you?" my dad asked as soon as he walked into my office.

Furrowing my brows, I looked from my laptop to his angry face. "Good afternoon, Da—"

"Save the pleasantries to yourself, son, and answer me instead!" he fired back at me, cutting my statement off.

Leaning back in my chair, I rolled my eyes.

I already knew exactly why he was here but what I didn't understand was why he was acting so upset with me.

He walked up to me. His walking stick thumped on the tiled floor at each of his strides. "Why did you kick Emerald out of the house, Brian?" he asked.

"Me? Kick her out? And why would I ever do something like that? I never kicked her out, she left on her own," I clarified immediately and his frown deepened.