Chapter Seventy Five — Why me?

Third Person Pov

Mia watched in disgust as Emerald's parents paced back and forth in her living room, specifically Emerald's mother, who looked like she was about to have a heart attack. She already knew exactly why Emerald's parents were here and it annoyed her to think that they were going to try to convince Emerald to go back to Brian without even first asking her why she decided to leave in the first place.

She had wanted to send them away when they first arrived but Emerald decided that she wanted to see them. Now, she was waiting for Emerald to come downstairs and talk to her parents and she didn't have any intentions of leaving them alone because she couldn't trust Emerald's parents not to do something drastic.

"Why isn't she coming?" Sharon hissed impatiently, pacing back and forth in the living room and thinking in her head of the million things that she had to say to her daughter.