Chapter Seventy Six — Don't Forget Your Place

Third Person Pov

Emerald's dad, Mr Dawson started to feel anxious the moment his office door opened and Brian's father, Brian Huxley walked in.

Feeling immediately uncomfortable, he feigned a small smile. "Oh, welcome, Mr. Huxley," he stepped aside for him to gain an entrance into his office."To what do I owe this visit?"

"I'm pretty sure that you already know the answer to that question, Dawson? Don't make me have to spell things out for you," Brian responded, keeping a rather calm expression on his face despite the fact that Michael knew that he was very far from calm.

Scanning the whole parlour, he acknowledged with satisfaction that the place exhibited ingenious works from the artistic decorations on the wall. The beige painting highlighted the area, giving it a befitting look.

Plopping on the couch, Brian cleared his throat. "You have a nice office, Micheal. It's a lot better than I imagined it to be," he complimented truthfully.