Chapter 102 — Another side of Brian


Brian and I had left the hotel earlier this evening after he mentioned to me yesterday that he didn't want me to feel like our trip here was a waste.

I wasn't expecting him to try to make it up to me or anything but surprisingly, he meant what he said and earlier this evening, he had a dress delivered to the hotel for me and escorted me to the car saying that we were going somewhere.

I couldn't help but feel excited as Brian drove us to an unknown destination. Even though I didn't say anything to him, I was feeling some kind of way about the fact that I had come out here to Miami for a trip but got drugged instead.

I definitely wanted to find out who it was that was trying to harm me but at the same time, I was a little disappointed by the fact that the only opportunity Brian and I have had so far to get to know each other was going to get ruined because I thought that he was going to focus strictly on finding who was behind drugging me.