Chapter 103 — High in the Sky

Third Person Pov

As Emerald and Brian left the art gallery, Emerald stepped out on the sidewalk and looked around while taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"Well, that was breathtaking," she said, turning to Brian. "It was honestly so much better than I expected and I'm still trying to soak in the fact that you're actually an artist," she commented, still struggling to believe that most of the paintings she just saw in there were done by Brian himself.

Brian smiled at her. "I'm glad you loved it. I really am," he replied.

"You know, I was thinking, since you had a long night already and you're only just recovering, I felt we should go somewhere close so you wouldn't have to go through the stress of traffic," he mentioned.

Emerald raised an eyebrow, looking around to see where Brian was leading her. "So, where are we going then?" she asked.