Chapter 108 — Brian's lookalike


I woke up, feeling disoriented, and with my heart pounding in my chest. I blinked repeatedly, trying to clear my blurry vision. It was then that I realized that the sky had turned dark, and night had fallen.

How long had I been asleep? Hours, it seemed.

A wave of unease washed over me as I recalled the disheartening conversation I had with the detective earlier, and how the conversation had completely ruined my mood.

I remember he mentioned that he had no leads on the person who was trying to harm me, even daring to insinuate that the only viable option was that I was a drug addict and that my seizure was because I was exhibiting withdrawal syndromes.

Feeling upset with how the conversation had turned out, I had hoped that a short nap would help clear my mind, but I never expected to sleep so deeply.