Don't wan't to be a Ruler


"What is the meaning of this Ren!!"

"It's just as you heard. I'm leaving the kingdom"

Being the son of the Maou it was decided that I would have to rule over Stregia the Mazoku realm.

"Are you sane the position of the Maou is utmost honourable position and you are have got a chance to do that"

"Don't wanna~"

It is true that by being the Maou i get honor, respect and priviledges not only from the mazoku but from the gods, spirits and humans as well.

However, I don't want to. It is a pain in the arse. My father as you can see is well a pretty hot-tempered person who only cowers to one person in Stregia. That person is my mother.

"Ara~ Ren chan wants to go for an adventure. If that is so then why should we burden him with the position of the ruler?"

She shot a cold glance towards father, he whimpered like a dog who has been cornered.

"Ren chan~ you can do whatever you desire we won't stop you but do remember to take care of yourself"

"Yes mother"

My mother was formerly one of the strongest attack mages in the demon realm who also had great proficiency in healing magic. Formerly Known as the Ice Queen due to her cold and sharp personality.

Although she was called the Ice queen, she is very warm and friendly. Also a little too friendly at times.

Coming out of the castle, I walked along the road that led to the market centre.


I sighed while deep in thought.

Although I did say that I was going on an adventure, I don't want to travel around through dimensions that much. It's tiring.

Turning at right angles to the street just before the market center, I arrived at a dingy-looking shop.

The shop had a banner made out of creepers and vines... possibly by using elven magic |Plontuma| (plant manipulation). It was pretty common magic used by craftsmen, swordsmiths, and carpenters.

My main aim wasn't the shop though, it was with the person who ran it.

I opened the door and immediately in front of me was an incredibly beautiful young woman who was wearing a maid uniform.

She greeted me with a cheerful voice

"Welcome to our establishment"

"Yo sup Mari"

"Ah, Ren Kun!! I heard about your argument with Ligel sama"

[In case you are wondering who Ligel is...he is that hot-tempered oddball who is also my father]

"A yeah about that.. I had come to you to ask for a favor"

"A favor.. me?"

"Yeah.. Didn't you say that you had an elder sister who traveled to another realm and started living there"

"Ah, do you mean Onee chan? She has been living in a place called Earth, a part of the human realm.. for 5 years I think"

I guess the humans there might be different from the humans at Stregia..Humans at stregia can destroy brick walls with their punches, I wonder how strong the Earthian humans will be.

"Anyways the thing is I have to travel to another realm for err a vacatio- er no could you ask your sis to arrange for a place where I can crash at"

Mari bends forward and looks into my eyes

"Does this have something to do with you not wanting to inherit the kingdom?"

Damn she saw straight through me

"Uhh..Yeah I can say that"


She laughs sweetly

"you really are a handful.. no wonder Ligel sama gets so angry"

"So can you do it?"

"Okay, but I will be giving you onee chan's address and you will have to talk with her yourself face-to-face"

I agreed

Mari doesn't leave any chance to overwork me..not that I do much work in the first place.

I'm too lazy.

I returned home [not the castle that is not my home, my home is a mansion on the eastern side of the castle ].

Although my mother and father live in the castle, I prefer to live alone.

I go to the basement and take out a piece of wood given to me by Marie. It had a circle with a pattern in it, this was the location magic |tor|. The same pattern or more precisely 'magic circle' had been inscribed somewhere near the place where Mari's onee chan lived. The magic circle in my hand acted as a locator for the other magic circle. It was convenient to send letters and items to people who lived far away. Although it just acts as an address for me since I can easily teleport to the location in 0.01 seconds.

Not to brag but my teleportation speed is quite fast.

I had previously informed my mother that I would be setting out tonight, she seemed sad about me leaving but smiled cheerfully and gave me a parting present, a good luck charm made from her mana strings.

"I guess I can say goodbye to Stregia for a while"

Saying this I cast teleportation magic |iord|

1/100th second passed

I found myself in the middle of a street surrounded by weird-looking things which had wheels on them.

I guess those might be the means of transport for humans on this planet.