I don't want to sound lame but.. i think i might be lost.
Why did Mari's sister mark the location in the middle of the city. What am I supposed to do now.
"Umm.. can i help you in any way"
I turned around.
A girl holding a bunch of papers had approached me.
She probably thought that i was a foreigner.. well she wasn't completely wrong though.
"Would you mind telling me which country am i in?"
The girl looked at me in surprise
I think i might have asked a stupid question
"Japan" she said with the same surprised look
"Ah okay thanks"
I thought it would be best to not talk or enquire further since people might think me to be a lunatic.
I guess i would have to go through someone's mind to get my answers.
I entered one of the stores that were lined along the road. Vegetables, Fruits, some stuff in packets were lined along the different shelves, there were also some readymade foodstuff. I saw a person checking the rearside of a packet.
I approached him slowly,
as soon as he turned towards me, I activated
mind manipulation.
He stood there staring at me blankly, as if in a trance.
Mind manipulation is used mainly to alter one's memories or to 'hypnotise' someone.
However in my case i was using it to delve deep into the person's memories to find out about information on this world.
10 seconds passed
The man continued shopping as if nothing had happened.
I looked at a food packet which was costed yen. After reading the moemories of the person, i managed to grasp the language of the people.
The place i was in was called a convinience store or 'konbini', basically all the necessities including food were found here.
Now the main problem arised...
I dont have any money.
It would be easy to obtain money from some passerby, but i would like to refrain from stealing.
I looked at a rack, it contained many magazines and books 'manga' as they were termed.
One of the magazines had a very cute illustration of a boy and girl embracing each other.
I don't know why did i find this cute-.
The magazine was titled "weekly shoujo".
My curiosity was exploding however having no money i had no choice but to come back later to buy it.
The first priority i have right now after getting information of this world, is to find Mari's big sister.
Leaving the store, i decided to go to the place where i first teleported to.
Wait. I just felt a presence 50 m ahead. It doesn't seem to be a mazoku. A spirit-human?
It wouldn't be uncommon to run into other races apart from humans but.. finding one right now that too at the place where i teleported to?. That's too much of a coincidence. I walked straight toward the location i felt the presence from.
"Huuu.. Hiding yourself are you"
Although i couldn't see anyone, I felt more people having same type of presence surrounding me.
Body Concealment magic huh.. I see... these people must have been amatures, using body concealment without even hiding their presence. What idiocy.
I turned around and walked as if i had not noticed them.
Seeing an alley between two shops, i went inside it.
There was a wall on the other side of the alley but it was quite big.
"You can show yourself now" I said
Even though the people did not want to, their concealment broke.
Crap. Did i accidentally leak out my anti magic while saying those words.
Well never mind.
There were seven people following me, all of them wore black suits and carried a suitcase in their right hand.
One of them came forward and raised his hand to greet me.
"Hello nice to meet you i am Sugimoto Fuji the leader of the outer beings department of the Divine Being corporation"
Divine Being corporation? what kind of a lame name is this.
"I am Ren Aorte, would you kindly tell me why have you been following me this whole time?"
'Well Ren-san the thing is..we sensed a huge presence in the middle of the city and looks like your teleportation to this world had something to do with it. We at the OBD are incharge of the people who come to this country from different realms, dimensions and this incident has caused quite an uproar in our office"
Due to teleportation a fraction of my presence might gotten leaked out as soon as i arrived in this country.
"So what about it?"
"You will have to come along with us"
"And what if I don't want to?"
"Then I'm afraid i will have to use force"
As he said this, the men behind him took out what seemed to look like long whips.
"Don't you think you guys are being a bit unfair, using force on a guest"
"I have no other choice, the head of the corporation has ordered me to capture you at any cost even if i have to incapatiate you"
capture? wasn't he saying that i would have to go with them? well whatever
"I don't like shady buisnessmen" i replied
Fuji shouted
The whips the men were holding elongated, they coiled tightly around my legs, hands and waist.
"Now now aren't you being a little hasty.. using mana absorbtion tools"
The whips were indeed absorbing my mana.
However this much was nothing for me.
Just a simple tug of my hand.. the whips broke.
"These were made with one of the strongest fibres which were near unbreakable...and he broke them so easily??"
Seems like of them are confused.
Have they been picking on weak beings only? Even a kid from Stregia can break these 'threads' easily. For me it is as easy as tearing paper.
"Now let me show you how this game is played" I said smiling