Divine Being Corporation

Fuji's face turned white as his subordinates were slowly lifted in the air by my magic.

For someone who says that meeting outers is his hobby, he's too shocked to see my power.

Has he only met weak outers until now?

Tch. this makes me look like the villain who is bullying them.

I release them from my magic.

"You know what...I think I would like to meet the Head of your corporation"

"h- huh"

Fuji looked at me trembling with fear

"Yeah I want to have a sweet little chat with them don't worry I won't destroy your establishment"

I let out a small laugh

"o- o- o- okay sir"

sir? did I go too rough on them..ah it's okay I guess

They lead me to a car which was parked on the far side of the road.

I noticed that the average speed of the car was quite slow than the vehicles at stregia (they were quite similar to the human vehicles except they operated with the help of the magic propulsion system)

We traveled to a separate part of the city which was quite different from the town. In contrast to the bustling nature of the city, it was deserted and quiet. Among the small shops and houses, a huge building stood out which was present at the center of the town. It looked was well furnished and had glass panes on the upper floors (there were 10 floors in total). Calling it 'a huge building' would be an understatement, it was humongous. All the shops I had seen in Shibuya and on the way here could probably fit inside this building but still it would leave 80 percent more space.

I previously scanned all the memories of Fuji's subordinates without anyone noticing. This gave me a general info about the cities and towns.

The head of the Divine being corporation was a mystery....he has never shown up in person and always communicated with his subordinates on mail. Even Fuji has only communicated with his secretary. The only useful information I obtained was that this Person was the owner of one of the most important companies of Japan...the Tatsu Corp which was responsible for supply of weapons as well as was in the IT department of the country.

Haahh these humans have a lot of complex stuff.

I'm tired.

As we entered the building, I sensed a flow of mana aura coming from the guards at the entrance...this type of mana aura is emitted mostly by spirits humans. I guess they employ spirits as guards due to their anti magic abilities. It will be quite useless against mazoku,humans having strong mana flow controling abilities.

"P- please wait here sir I will have to schedule an appointment with the head who is actually a very busy person"

"Okay take your time"

Fuji and his men dissappeared behind a glass door on the left.

I sit on the couch present at the far end of the lobby.

Observing the interior of the building, I could see a lot of thick metal as well as glass doors. I wondered what they were for.

One of the metal doors opened and out of it came a tall woman with deep brown hair. She wore a black suit and had sea green eyes.

Wait a min. she reminds me of someone.


No, wait that's her sister.

"Hey You"

I called out to her

Turning her head, she looked at me.


She seems surprised to see me.

I wouldn't blame her since I am one of those few people whom you don't expect to run into by coincidence.

"Been doing well?"

I asked

"Is it really you Ren Sama-?"

She stopped talking and looked around the lobby.

On confirming that there was no one to overhear us, she continued.

"What are you doing here of all places?"

I had met her once or twice in stregia until now but I did not know her actual name. I must've heard it before but I don't remember clearly now.

"Uhh you are Mari's big sister aren't you...I don't remember your name actually"

Honesty is the best policy I guess

She looked a bit confused and leaned closer until her breath could be felt clearly in my ear.

"Here, I am called Silia but my actual name is Yor. I am registered as a non-japanese citizen here."

"I see. Sillia then."

She pulled away and gave me a short smile.

"Sillia, did you have a talk with your sister about my arrival.?"

"Eh.. Mari told me that you would be coming to my house but I did not expect to run into you HERE!?"

"Your house? I teleported to the middle of a street."

"huh?what? how? ah no wait first thin-... let's continue this later."

She immediately cut off and went away as Fuji came out through the glass door.

Does she have some rift with him? well it doesn't matter let's just get this done with.

"So when can I get to meet the 'head' of this organization?"

Fuji trembled slightly at my voice but quickly gathered himself

"The head will meet you in a few minutes please go through the glass door and wait in the room which is at the end. I will have to attend to some paperwork so excuse me."

Few minutes! That's fast. Here I was thinking that I would have to drag him out of his office.

I entered the office according to his instructions.

This is quite clean

I said to myself.

It was cleaner than my room where books, pieces of metal, and liquids were scattered.

There was a clank behind me, and a man wearing a blue suit entered the room.

Was this the head? Why does everyone here love wearing suits so much-.

"Good evening, I am the personal assistant of the Owner of DBC. My name is Harukawa. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I heard that our agents caused you a lot of trouble. I would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused."

"I was supposed to meet your boss. What about that?"

"Our boss is on a business trip outside the country right now and would return next week so it wouldn't be possible until then"

"What about the people who ordered that I be captured."

"The leader has been suspended for 6 months. And we will be replacing him with a new employee. We would also be providing you with compensation money as well as a guide to help you know more about our country"

I could wipe out this entire establishment in a few seconds and force its leader to visit me... but wait, I mustn't lose my temper and cause trouble for other people..I think for now this is enough

"I'll take you up on that offer then."

"Would you like us to arrange for your lodgings?"

"No it's okay I can handle that myself"

"Here is a small token of apology from our side"

He hands me a thin card-like thing which I knew was a smartphone,...it was something which humans used to communicate with each other over long distances.

It might come in handy if I am planning to live here for a long time.

"Do you know how to use it or would you like to take a tutorial?"

"Not necessary. I can operate it"

Of course, I can... after scanning the memories of so many people, I have grasped how to use most of this world's devices.

It was midnight by the time I went out of the building.

Harukawa was insisting that he would prepare one of the official cars for my ride home but I denied it.

I have some very important work to do.

Walking through the dark colony where the only source of light was a flickering street lamp, I looked straight at my shadow.

"Don't worry no one is following me"

My shadow started flowing and expanding as if it was water.

After a few seconds, it stopped expanding. Out of the shadow, a female figure came out.

Looking straight at me from the darkness was Sillia.