
Far away from the Human world, in a different dimension, exists a barren land. A land which has seen so many wars that the supposedly yellowish-brown soil had become dark-red in color.

Out of nowhere a portal opens and two people appeared. One was ruffled and had countless scars on his body and face, the other had greyish hair and had an air of creepiness around him.

"So this is the onece famous land of the ancient devilmen which has now been reduced to a worn out barren land"

"Yeah the devilmen were wiped out about a few years ago....it was described as a one-sided massacre.... a being with such overwhelming presence that even terrifies the Gods..."

"What a single person annihilated the devilmen...those devilmen who are said to be the one of the strongest and ruthless?? How is that-"

"I'm not sure of it myself...but it does not matter anymore....you remember the main reason why we came here right Edern?"

The burly person with countless scars was Edern and the creepy grey-haired person was Sijok.

"Yeah yeah collecting the souls of the devilmen which are lingering here right"

Sijok was not paying attention to the conversation anymore. He summoned a dagger from his dimensional inventory and sliced a part of his thumb. Red blood spluttered out of the cut. Drew a magic circle on the ground with his blood.

"The preparations are complete..."

Saying this Sijok raised his hand and thousands of orb-like structures emerged from the ground.

The dark-purplish orbs were lingering souls of the devilmen. Each of these souls were filled with dark mana.

"For normal mages dark mana can corrupt and destroy their minds but for me this is nothing."

He proceeds to absorb all of the souls in his body at once.

Edern looked uninterested at this, he had accompanied Sijok mainly as a protector an had no use for such mana.

After absorbing and assimilating all of the dark mana, Sijok turned towards eden.

"Let's go"

His voice had changed into a deep hoarse voice, so had his appearance, his eyes had become red and his skin had become completely white.

The two people opened a portal and vanished.

Meanwhile in Japan

I was closely observing a can with 'cola' written over it, standing in front of a vending machine.(Ren)

"Hmm... So this is one of the most famous refreshments among the humans"

We had various kinds of beverages in strgia but it's my fist time seeing something like this.

Moreover, these vending machines are quite convenient eh...we can buy any kind of drink without the hassle of waiting in line for it.

I was told by Sillia that there was district somewhere her where many people with special abilities lived. That's how they are seen by common people... however, I and Sillia already knew that they were outers.

I saw a boy around the age of 15, walking up to the vending machine. What caught my eye was not the boy himself but the aura around him. The kind of aura which accumilates when one is too frustrated or when one endures too much suffering. Aura can be called a side effect of mana. Every being be it humans or gods, every one of them have mana, however only few can control it and bring it out properly. Aura is the mana radiated by them into the surroundings. It can change with one's feelings or emotions.

What that boy has right now is the aura radiated due to suffering for a long time.

Out of curiosity, I delve into his memories without anyone noticing.

"You asshole..where are the snacks that i told you to bring?"

I saw a blonde, burly boy kicking a cowered up boy who was on the ground..that was the owner of these memories.

"I- I- I'm s- s- sorry...I- d-don't have much m- money w- with m- m- me"

"Huh what did you say you son of a bitch...you refusing me?"

The guy who was on the ground tried to block it but still he recieved a punch straight to the face from the blonde guy.

Bullying huh...it's not a sight I am unfamiliar with...i felt pity for the kid.

I did not delve any deeper into his memories.

He stumbled on the sidewalk while carrying 7 cans of L-SODA.

I went up to him.

"Need a hand"

The boy looked at me with a shocked expression.

Perhaps he was afraid of me

"I- its okay I can carry them by myself"

He almost dropped another can as he said this.

Before he could say anything else, I took four cans from him.

"H- hey wai"

"I'll just walk for a short while with these cans and you can take them back when you reach near your destination"

Honestly I never really felt much pity for strangers that much...I have eliminated countless enemies so you can say that I don't have much emotions left with me. However I guess I do feel some pity for this fellow...I might have softened up ever since I came here we'll it doesn't cause a problem so I guess it's okay.

The boy did not retort and quietly led the way.

After walking for 5 minutes the boy stopped infront of an old school building.

"Is this the place" I asked him

"Y- yes"

"okay then here you go"

I handed him the cans and went off.

The boy looked at my back as I turned towards the right side at the crossroad ahead. Then he walked into the building.

I had turned at the crossroad but just walked for a bit.

I turned around and went back towards the old school. As I arrived at the gate, I looked around to see whether there were any witnesses. None. Good now is time to do it

Dark shadows emerging from the ground surrounded me and in a split second vanished from human sight.

To be more precise I was in a different dimension but at the same time I was still present at that particular location and could see everything.

I was in a dimension which ascended far higher than the dimensions humans could perceive.

I used a very small fraction of my power. If I used even 10 percent of it then nobody will be able to sense my presence or see me not even higher ranking mages or even other higher beings.

Only a select few Gods will be able to notice my presence in that state.

With this magic, I exist and at the same time do not exist in the world. It's what I call | inritium |.

I didn't want to use it to deal with simple bullies but well I wanted to observe them in peace without having to regulate my breath or footsteps which don't hide when someone uses invisibility.

Mapping the entire school premise in a moment with my allsight, the boy in and 3 other people were easily found on the 3rd floor in an empty classroom.

Fufu the real fun begins now.