
""Oi did you bring the stuff i told you to bring."

"Y- y- yes"

Right now on the third floor of the old school building, a boy was getting bullied by his upperclassmen.

I stood by the door of the empty clasroom.

The bully was a blonde boy sitting on a table surrounded by two girls sitting on chairs beside him.

The girls in my opinion were not exceptionaly beautiful, maybe it was because i had met more beautiful woman in my life.

The victim was sitting on the ground whilst holding up a can of Soda towards the bully.

"Ikari!! this errand boy dares to look at my legs."

One of the girls told the bully.

The poor boy on the ground had bruises on his neck and so his head was tilted towards the ground.

"N- no I- wasn't-"


He recieved a blow on his shoulder from a baseball bat. Two of Ikari's henchmen were standing behind him with bats raised and a third had already swung it at him.

"Huh this punk dares to look at boss's girlfriend with his filthy eyes."

The third henchman shouted at him.

Ikari who was sitting and watching a video, closed it and stood up.

"There was this fighting style I created yesterday, I call it vermin punishing style" Saying this, Ikari bent and drove a fist through the boy's stomach and used his elbow on his shoulder.

This caused the boy to fall on the ground and tremble with terrible pain.

Looking at this from the shadows, I realised something. This world is not at all different from that of outers. The strong outers look down on the weaker ones. This fact is universal huh.

Well what if another strong outer had come to the aid of the weak one. Then this system would have changed long ago.

Well now I know what to do for this situation.

I decide to have some fun and come out of my dimension.

"Yo blonde bitch"

Ikari got startled and looked at me.

"Where did this guy come from..oi you idiots kick him out from here"

He shouted to his henchmen who came running at me.

They swung their bats aiming for my head.

Tooooooo Slow... i would have casually destroyed this planet by this time.

The bats touch my head and break into pieces.

The henchmen looked surprised and immediately tried to punch me.

Eh do you really try to punch someone who just shattered a wooden bat without even doing anything.

"AH get lost"

I said out of boredom.

They were immediately yeeted towards the end of the classroom as if hit by a shockwave.

Shit I the mana in the air was activated with my words causing a shockwave to be formed. Thankfully i said the words out of boredom of the school would be nowhere to be seen.

Having cleaned the ants, I walk through the classroom.

Ikari stood up to face me with a terrified look on his face.

I walk past him towards the boy who was trembling on the ground.

A broken rib huh... I cast simple healing magic and instantly it was healed, all the bruises as well as his fatigue had also vanished.

He looked at me in awe.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Ren nice to meet you Mieko"

"N- n- n- nice to MEET YOU!!"

The last part came out quite high pitched. Maybe he was shocked huh.

"Oi what the fuck are you"

The blonde Bully named Ikari shouted.

"Ah wait a min Mieko let me deal with this ant in a sec no even a second is too much time to waste on him....let's make that 1 millisecond....then I would be glad to have a chat with you"

I looked at Ikari...he was tooo weak of a human..even a kid from Stregia would kick his ass easily.

I had to hold back my power a lot or else i would end up killing him.

I looked straight at ikari and blinked....Immediately he was thrown at the wall with such force as if he had been thrown by a wrestler.

To be honest I held back a LOT, I could have easily wiped out one half of the country with one blink...had I been serious Ikari would not have existed any more.

Well I am merciful so...he is still alive and I guess only a few of his ribs and his leg might have got fractured.

"wha- how-"

The girls who were sitting beside Ikari rose up from their chairs and made a run for it.

I decided to leave them as it would be a waste of time to be dealing with these bugs.

"So Mieko... wanna go for a walk?"

I held out my hand towards him.

"Y- yeah ok"

He took my hand and got up from the ground.

"Will it be ok to leave them like this?"

Mieko asked after looking at Ikari and his henchmen lying on the ground all knocked out.

"Yeah we'll just call in an ambulance to take them to the hospital since it would be a pain for the police if they died here."

Saying this I took out my phone and dialed the number labeled 'ambulance' which was already saved in it.

I told them that there had been a fight between some delinquents and some of them were injured and knocked out in the 3rd floor of the old school building.

Mieko looked at me with awe...it was his first time seeing someone who could be so strong and weird at the same time.

Disconnecting the call, I teleported with Mieko in front of Silia's house.

"W- what was that????"

Mieko asked me, he was surprised and fascinated at the same time.

"Hmm..teleportation magic"

"M- magic?"


"do you also have special abilities like those people of OT district"

"OT district?"

"Huh you don't know about OT district?"

I didn't get any info on any district or anything from the memories I scanned or did I not delve deep enough...that might be it.

"No I haven't heard anything of that sort...I'm not from here in the first place"

"I- see that explains it...it caused quite an uproar in the country when it was revealed that people having special abilities were living in a newly formed district named OT district"

Special abilities? Are they outers?

"Is that so...well wouldn't the public want to use their abilities for their own gains? isn't that how most humans are?"

Mieko tilted his head to one side.

"Well people did think of something like that however the people with special abilities were deemed to be too strong. And they weren't that eager to cooperate with normal humans even for money or other stuff..and there is also a famous rumor about the OT district"

"What rumor?"

"The entire district is said to be under the protection and handling of the Tatsu corporation...that's why the people are even more scared to do anything with it"

Tatsu Corp again? What exactly is this Corporation, to be involved in handling of Outers as well as this district having people with special abilities... no wait I have to ask Sillia all about this...there is still 5 hours until her shift ends.

"Mieko do you have any important work right now? Wanna have a cup of tea at my house (Sillia's house)"

"Ah I have to go home actually I have some work left to be done...I'll come sometime later...would you like to share contact info?"

"contact info yeah okay"

He added me on his Line and bid me goodbye.

I didn't have any other contacts on my Line except for Sillia. Now I have 2 Contacts...Sillia and Mieko.

My second day on earth and I have 2 Contacts.

Not a bad start I guess.

I climb up the stairs and go back into the house.