
Sillia looked straight at me from the dining table, her lips twitching as if she were about to scold me.


I said innocently.

Her anger limit had reached its peak.

"Don't 'SO' me!!!!...what the heck have you been upto!?.....It's all over the news.....three delinquents were brutally beaten up and hospitalized."

"Ah well..."

"Thankfully the police have taken it as a rift between gangs or else they would have been at our doorstep.....There were traces of magic-influenced attacks...that was you wasn't it?"

It's no surprise that Sillia was able to detect the traces of mana in the old school building, after all she is a high-level mage.

"Yeah that was me...although they were the ones who were in the wrong, I just saved a boy from getting bullied."

"And you broke their bones and got them hospitalised and also destroyed some of the property present there"

"That couldn't be avoided unfortunately."

Sillia sighs

"Okay i'll let you off the hook this time but don't do stuff like this in broad daylight...i'll be kicked out of my job because of you"

She took out two bowls and placed it on the table along with a pot containing hot yakisoba.

"By the way Sillia do you know about the OT district which is under the Tatsu corp?"

Sillia who was serving the Yakisoba looked at me with surprise

"The OT district? It is a district where people from other worlds/dimensions reside in"

"Is that so...hmm"

"Do you want to visit it?"

"Are normal people allowed?"

"Well anyone is allowed although people themselves are afraid to go there."

"Afraid? why?"

"Well there have been incidents where humans were killed by some people with special abilities since then people have been scared of the OT district"

"Ah I see"

"However that district contains a lot of international companies and all it's not a dead district...you can call it the Akihabara for non-earthians"

"Such a place exists here.. interesting....i would like to check it out...will you accompany me?"

"Yeah we can go tomorrow since I have taken a week's leave to take care of some buisness"

"Okay then tomorrow is our exclusive 'DATE' in the OT district"


Sillia's face became red as if it had overheated.

She ate her yakisoba in silence not making eye contact anymore.

Did I say something too weird? I'm not sure.

After finishing her meal, she finally looked up at me.

"The OT district is officially called Dist 5 so you should call it that only otherwise it might sound insulting to some of the inhabitants of the district."

"I'll keep that in mind."

The next day

Sillia woke me up earlier than usual.

"We have to set out early or else there will be some problems when we reach there"

I couldn't understand what she meant by 'problems' but I didn't ask.

She was dressed up in sky blue and her cheeks had a soft redish tinge. Her lips also had a soft red lipstick.

"You look beautiful!!"

I told Sillia honestly.

Sillia smiled and blushed slightly. But she turned her face away from me.

I wore a casual shirt and trousers and did some adjustments to my hair.

Let's enjoy today's date shall we.

We took the 3rd train from Tokyo to Shinjiku city which took us 20 minutes to get there.

From Shinjiku, I followed Sillia who was looking at the gps in her smartphone.

"The gate for Dis 5 keeps on changing so we have to find it with the help of the GPS provided by DBC."

If the entrance was through a hidden space time rift (gate) then I could find it easily with my altsight.

I detected the rift which was present in a empty bus stand.

I held Sillia's hand and directed her towards the rift which was confirmed to be the entrance.

"Really you don't fail to surprise me"

"I am full of surprises after all"

As we enter through the gate, Sillia's grip on my hand tightened.

Her fingers were soft and smooth. I felt a sudden urge to feel them with my lips. But i suppressed it.

Dis 5 came into view...It was like i was visiting another version of Tokyo.

Numerous tall buildings were touching the sky which for some reason was dark.

"The date and time in Dis 5 is a few hours ahead of the normal time."

Sillia explained.

Two demi humans passed by us while chatting with each other.

"Did you know the owner is here?"

"Really? I want to meet him once but they say he's completely on a different level."

"Yeah I heard his daughter also came here...man she's an absolute beauty...but as cold as liquid nitrogen..won't even look at anyone even if they begged at her feet."

Owner heh i wonder who he is.

I looked at Sillia.. she had froze with shock.

"Oi what happened?"

"The owner.....Nobody told me that he was visiting this district today..."

"So what happened...what does that even have to do with you?"

"The owner Ren...THE OWNER OF TATSU CORP..you know about TATSU corp right they created the Divine being corporation."

"Heh wasn't he overseas?"

"That's what everyone else at the company knows"

I just came to look around for a bit but looks like i have to meet this mysterious Owner of tatsu corp.

"Hey Sillia will you mind if i look around for a bit?"

"huh okay...I don't feel too well actually so I think I'll just wait in a cafe or something."


I walk through the street, there were rokurokubi, demi-humans and elves all around.

It was not too different fromTokyo.

My first priority was to meet the owner.

However it will be difficult to find him among so many peoples and buldings.

Difficult, not impossible.


Domain coverage,

I cover the entire district in a milisecond without anyone noticing .

This domain which I created by myself gives me access to information on location, mana radiated, aura like a GPS.

I can also annihilate the entire area covered by my domain in a milisecond. It would kill everyone present there in the blink of an eye no matterhow strong they are...I'm not interested in killing innocent people though.

I remember the last time I used my domain to destroy an null multiverse created by Ehis the creation god as an experiment. Luckily since it was a null multiverse no actual beings were present there, only the spatial energies.

Too much reminisce of memories now to get to work.

I detected an extremely strong suppressed mana in a building nearby.

Was that the owner?

I am not sure what he looks like so I will have to guess his location with his radiated mana.

I don't need to use intritium to hide my presence when I use [ryōiki] , I can hide my presence in the domain itself, it's like an extra feature or the domain.

I teleport instantly near the high supressed mana, the source of which was none other than a girl.

She had silvery white hair and blue eyes and was sitting on the couch, one leg over the other, gazing towards the ground, lost in deep thought.

Beside her was a man who's age can be guessed to be around 60 years.

I could tell that the highest source of mana was being radiated by the girl but still this man also had a very high amount of mana.

He looks old but seems like he has a lot of battle experience.

The Girl suddenly came out of her thoughts and looked around and her eyes got fixated exactly at the place where I was, looking straight into mine

Did she find me?

She gave a small smile.

"Father, don't you have a meeting with the Aiba group in a few minutes?"

The man beside her immediately got to his feet.

"I completely forgot about that thanks for reminding me. I'll be off now...oh will you be okay by yourself in the district, should i arrange for someone to escort you around?"

"No it's okay I would like to be here for a while, relaxing alone."


He cast a magic circle and teleported.

The girl stood up and walked towards me.

"...How did you do it?"

I come out of hiding.

"Do what?"

"Find us.."

"I had a few tricks up my sleeve but wait i'm not even sure you are the one i am looking for."

The girl looked at me with a puzzeled look.

"...aren't you looking for my father? Tatsu Eihara"

"well yeah i was mainly looking for him but you have piqued my interest quite a bit you know...also how did you know i was hiding here?"

"....hypersensitivty to magic emission.. i have it since i was a kid...i noticed that a few magicules were emmited in a part of the room and then they vanished too quickly.."

I think due to teleportation some of my mana might have gotten radiated.

"I see you are quite the skilled one aren't you"

"..In front of you it is nothing...you are strong...too strong....it's kind of scary..."

"You don't have to be scared..i'm not causing any harm to anyone. Unless they are stupid enough attack me first."

She laughed slightly.

""..Pfft...you're strange.."

"Right I think so too."

"..It's kinda refreshing to find someone as weird as you...everyone else i have met until now have only ever praised me or envied me for being stronger than them and all..."

"Is that so...i see."

"..I haven't introduced myself, have i? I'm Yuki.."

"My name is Ren..nice to meet you Yuki"

"You're too formal for someone who just sneaked up on a girl.."

"That was not my intention though"

"Hey can you teach me that?"

"Teach you what?"

"That magic with which you hid yourself"

"I have no problems but is it okay with you?...I mean i am a guy after all.."

"It's okay...moreover....i have taken a liking to you..."

She swiftly moved closer to me and before i could say anything she gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

huh what-