
In a faraway world, walking through an abandoned town, was an old man carrying a scythe. He didn't look weak, on the contrary, his movements were steady and quick. Walking in the middle of the street, he seemed to be pondering upon something.

"Hmm is that so..." He muttered to himself.

A loud disturbance brought him back to reality. About 100 meters away, a dark mass was seen surrounded by dust and dirt flying around it.

Through the dark mass came out a person. He looked like a kid...however his the person noticed the old man, he looked straight into his eyes.

Sharp red eyes with the glint of a ferocious hunter.

In an instant, the person closed the distance between himself and the old man and then everything went blank.

Back to the present.

Getting out of my bed at the crack of dawn, I went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of oolong tea.

Ah!! Refreshing!!

Tea tastes the best in the morning.

I looked around at the empty desolate house.

Sillia wouldn't be back anytime soon I guess.

Time to put my focus on the main situation. Yuki.

If Risfield had romantic feelings for her then that would be another situation of one-sided love, however, that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems as if there might be something that he is after. Something quite valuable. And Yuki was the medium to obtain that.

I leaned behind the kitchen counter.

As I pondered over it, a thought made its way into my head.

I smiled.

"This makes sense heh"

Seems like I will need to go as an Uninvited guest to someone's wedding today.

As I changed into my daily wear,

Something was bubbling inside me.

Was it nervousness, No actually it was excitement.

The fun starts now!

The wedding venue was decided by Risfield's father and it was in Yorho, one of the elven capitals located in district 5.

Although it looked small, district 5 was as large as a country because it was present in a separate dimension connected to Japan.

How do I know all this stuff?

Well, I visited Hime again in the middle of the night and had a small chat with her about the venue and dis 5.

I stepped outside the house, the morning sun rays fell directly on my face. SInce I was wearing a hoodie, I pulled the hood over my head.

Teleporting directly to the venue, I received a slight tingle in my body.

An anti-magic barrier. Those present within the barrier will have their magic abilities greatly nerfed. The barrier was just like a wall made up of thermocol for me though. I could break it just by releasing a bit of my aura. I won't do that, not right now at least.

The venue itself was in a large hall. Decorated eloquently in shades of red and golden. On the far end of the aisle, I could see Risfield talking with an old man who looked similar to him, probably his father.

I took a seat among the other guests and tried to stay inconspicuous. This marriage was not being done in the Japanese way was it, it looked quite similar to the ones being done by the citizens at Stregia. oh, wait Risfield is also an outer. A person who was standing at a podium on the upper left wall started announcing something.

"Ladies and we have gathered here for the marriage of Tatsu Yuki and Lord Risfield....I would request you to be seated since the marriage ceremony will be starting now.."

Wait what was with this speaker...whatever he said was suuper laame. And 'lord Risfield?' what bullshit.

The doors of the hall opened and Yuki, clad in a white wedding gown entered with her father by her side, whose hand she held. Her face, was devoid of any emotion, her eyes, blank. One would not even be able to say whether she was happy or sad or had any emotion at all.

She stepped on the stage facing Risfield while a mage-priest drew a magic circle.

It was the same system of marriage used by other outers, using a magic contract to establish a relationship between husband and wife.

As the mage started extracting mana bonds to connect Risfield and Yuki to the contract, I stood up.

"Yo Yuki...marriage looks fun"

Everyone's gazes fell on me including Risfield and Yuki's.

"Who are you....You don't look like an acquaintance of mine...are you related with Yuki ?" Risfield asked.

"Well you can say I am gatecrashing your party intending to prevent your marriage with Yuki." saying this, I snapped my fingers and the magic contract which was about to bind them, got destroyed.

"You.. do you want to suffer a fate worse than death."

"I doubt you will be able to give me as much as a nosebleed."

Risfield started boiling with anger.

"This asshole....oi Mr Tatsu did you plot this? do you want me to destroy your entire country? no should I destroy your entire planet?"

Mr. Tatsu was shocked and could not react to the situation.

Two demon generals came through the door and attempted to restrain me.

"Fufu this small fry won't even be able to pluck a hair from my body let alone restrain me"

I used my magic and threw them towards Risfield.


It seemed that Risfield had crushed his own guards in anger.

"Stop" came an unexpected voice from the stage, it was Yuki.

"Why are you suppressing your feelings and following this monster, It is not what you want is it?"

I asked

"Ren. You have no authority to interfere in this wedding, I will be married to Risfield, so please stop all this."

Her eyes which looked straight at mine were still lifeless, I could see it, her resentment, her helplessness.

"If that is what you want, then I will oblige, but are you sure that you will want that even after listening to the truth?"

"The truth!?"

"Yes, Why does Risfield want to marry you so much? Because of his love for you? That's just nonsensical bullshit. The real reason is the Ice empress core that lies within you."

"Ice empress core?"

"Yes the mana core of the legendary Ice empress, she wielded tremendous power, she could even freeze dimensions with it."

"But why would I have it?" came Yuki's confused question.

"Now that is a good question, Why indeed? is said that the ice empress's core chooses its owner. even her descendants didn't get her core. It must have chosen you for some reason."

The Ice Empress was an incredibly strong figure, she could even freeze time for a few minutes.

Risfield must have sensed its aura inside Yuki and marriage was just a pretense to be able to extract the core easily, after that he would probably leave her to die since she would hold no significance to him anymore.

"Kukukukuku" Risfield started laughing hysterically.

"It seems that you looked exactly through my plans, what are you some sort of hidden strategist of the humans?" He asked

"It seems that you have mistaken something Risfield, I am not a human."

"Then what are you?"

"Who knows... your destruction I presume."


I teleported beside him

"I can wipe you off from this entire universe"


A straight kick to his stomach and he went flying to the ground.

Yuki's eyes widened.

"Ren stop it will be dangerous for you to-" she got cut off as a huge ball of flame got thrown toward the stage by Risfield.


The flame ball got extinguished in an instant.

Risfield looked at me with extreme anger.


he cast a huge magic circle and started collecting mana in it,

a mana condenser, it certainly was a weapon that could destroy the earth, provided it had enough mana.

Yuki looked scared.

Everyone else was fleeing through the door.

"It will be all right don't worry," I assured her.

"Hey, Risfield let's play a game. Who will get destroyed first, the world or you?"


He shouted at the top of his voice.

"...devour him..." I muttered

Dark shadows formed around me and went straight towards Risfield.

He tried to destroy them but it was in vain. The shadows engulfed him and destroyed him. Until no trace of him was left.

The large magic circle was still collecting mana even after its caster had been deleted from this world.

I implemented a little bit of my anti-magic and it broke into pieces, showering the entire hall with mana.

"Huuuu...that guy was all talk...truly a shame in the name of Asghar."

I turned around to look at Yuki, her knees gave away and she fell to the ground.

"...Is ...Is it over...."

I went over to her and sat beside her.

"Yes It's over, you are free now no more threats for this world for now at least"

I said giving a bright smile.

Tears fell down her eyes.

"....huh...why...why are tears falling...why.."

"It's a human emotion you know, you have been holding back for too long. want a shoulder to cry on?" I spread out my arms

"...I think I need one.." She buried her face in my chest gripping my shirt and sobbing on it.

I put my hands around her head, comforting her.

After a while when she had calmed down, she got up. Her eyes, and nose were all red and puffy from crying.

"..otou san, where is he?" she asked.

"I think he might have gone to get some fresh air," I said

I had seen him going out of the hall when his daughter was crying, seems like he was ashamed to face her. since he was the one who had made her face this entire ordeal.

" what should we do now?..." Yuki asked looking at me.

"How bout I take you home.."

She held on to me tightly and we teleported back to her house.