

Yuki pushed me against the wall and looked into my eyes. She kissed me violently, biting my lip at the same time. To me, it felt like she was going to devour me then and there.

" know Ren....I have never felt this before....a strong feeling in my heart....which is fuelling me to eat you up...."

"wait so are you actually going to eat me..?"


Without answering my question, she proceeded to tear up my clothes, starting with my shirt and then my trousers.

Her breathing was getting heavier, her eyes were filled with passion. Like a wild animal pouncing upon its prey.

She removed her clothes until she was wearing nothing except her underwear.

As if overcome by some sudden emotion, she hugged me tightly.


".....please....don't leave my side.....I don't want to be...alone.."

I lifted her chin with my fingers and kissed her. It was a soft gentle kiss. Sure to fill her heart with some warmth.

"....don't worry....I never abandon my friends...."

She must've been tired because she fell asleep right after that even though she was wearing nothing but her underwear.

I lay her down on the bed and pulled a blanket over her so that she doesn't catch a cold. Then I sent a message to her on line which she would see the next morning.

Doing that, I teleported towards home.

I found the door unlocked and entered. Sillia's shoes were present on the other side of the doorstep. She returned quite early.

"I'm back," I said aloud.

"ah welcome back" came a greeting from the living room.

The clanking of plates could be heard as Sillia arranged them on the table.

"Are you okay with eating takeaway? I just returned from my trip so I can't make anything right now."

She told me

"Ah, it's fine by the way what happened? you look terrifically exhausted!!"

It was true...she was looking like she had just come from a battlefield or something. There were even traces of some wounds on her hand which undoubtedly had been covered up.

"It's nothing, just some minor injuries on my trip"

"...s'that so"

After that, we did not exchange a single word and ate in silence.

It's difficult to understand people matter how strong you are or how much your perception is enhanced, in the end, it all comes down to individual connection.

This might just be a misconception, but it felt like she has been putting a distance between me and herself. Not to mention the mysterious trip she just went on.

In the end, there is nothing that can be done...not at this stage. Although if there was any problem, then I wouldn't have any issues dealing with it.

After arranging my thoughts, I went into a peaceful sleep until morning arrived.

Early in the morning, I was woken up by an unexpected call on my cell phone. It was quite unusual for me to receive a call since only Yuki, Mieko, and Siliia who had been sleeping beside me knew my number.

I picked it up.

"...Hello is this Mr. Aorte?" came an unfamiliar voice from the other side.

"Yes, it is" I replied.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lir Edelweis. I am the personal secretary of Mr. Rothschild"

Edelwies? Rothschild? who?

"..I'm sorry I don't know who you are, what business do you have with me?"

"No no it's not your fault for knowing us, to put it simply, my boss has been interested in you for a long time, ever since you had that face-off with the Outer being department."

He knew of my face-off with Fuji, this guy has got his information in order.

"And what should I do about it?"

"If you are free then my boss would like to meet you in person today"

It would not be bad to see what this is about.

"I don't have anything planned today. So I guess I can meet him"

"Very well then I shall send you the meeting location by the text"

"That will do"

I hung up the call.

Sillia had already woken up and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"You're not going to ask me what that was about?" I asked her

"What you do or whom you talk to is none of my business."

"That's cold" I let out a short laugh.

"Well anyway it seems I will might be a bit busy today. I was also hoping to join a part-time job here."

Just as I said this, Sillia looked at me with a look of confusion.

"Part-time job-? you? what do you mean?"

"It's just as it sounds, I think getting some firsthand experience about this world will be better for me anyway."

"That might be true."

She served me a toasted bread with two eggs. One of the things that I noticed living here was that, unlike normal Japanese families who had rice with miso soup or udon for breakfast, Sillia always made breakfast in a different style. This could be compared to the 'English' cuisine of the people who lived in the country called England.

"Thanks for the food"

I received a text from Edelweiss at 9.00 am. He had selected a Caffe which was at a very close distance from my house. A lot of questions came up in my mind wondering whether he knew where I was residing or whether that location was chosen just by coincidence, I put them on hold for now.

The meetup time was 12.00 pm. I scrolled through line checking my other messages.

After a few hours of practically doing nothing, I decided to head toward the meetup location.

Taiyo Caffe...a pretty famous tourist spot owing to its ambience which gives off a Taisho-era vibe. The shop itself was quite spacious with around 50 tables. I took a seat and looked at the menu, deciding to order something before the other party came. Even though this was a Taisho-style Caffe, they had drinks like Bubble tea, Cappucino, Soda, etc available. I decided to order a black coffee for myself since it helped to make me more active. Just as the waiter placed the coffee on my table, a man with a huge build appeared and took the seat opposite me. He was followed by a girl holding a tablet in her hand.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked at both of them.

The girl stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"Hello I am Edelweiss, You are Ren Aorte aren't you?"

"Yes, I am, nice to meet you Edelweiss" I shook her hand which had a surprisingly strong grip.

"This is my Boss Mr. Rothschild"

She directed her hands towards the burly man who had been vying me with his eyes from the moment he had set foot here.

I decided to keep my polite tone and greeted him

"Hello, Mr. Rothschild"

" I'll say this one time kid, join me"

without giving any greeting of the sort, he directed his orders towards me.

"...Who are you calling a kid"

My temper just shot straight upwards. Who does he even think himself to be?

"You of course..."

"Thank you for your offer but I'll decline, I don't want to join any group or faction as of now."

"Risfield, one of the strongest pillars of the world, just vanished in an instant, don't you think the superiors will suspect that something is wrong, and when they confirm it, they will come after you"

"Let them do that, I don't care, they are weak."

"I'm sure you won't be having problems dealing with them however what about the people close to you, the beauty you are living with eh?"

Just as he said this, the cafe was filled with a tremendous aura of bloodlust which lasted for a split second and dispersed.

Rothschild and his secretary were taken aback.

"Sorry I lost my cool there for a second."

"..You...who are you?"

"Someone not too significant, anyways, whatever I do will be my business, I'm sure I can protect the ones I hold dear, so you should stop poking your nose into it"

"If that's your decision, then there's nothing I can do." He got up to leave.

Edelweiss took out something and handed it over to me.

"Here's my card, If you require any assistance from my boss, you can contact me"


After finishing my coffee, I left the shop.

The world outside was bustling with people who were going to work or were shopping around.

A cold breeze ruffled my hair and I felt a cold sensation on my skin and neck, looking back on it, ever since I came here I have changed in a lot of ways. This world sure is peaceful, more peaceful than that bloodstained battlefield.

"haahhh" I sighed.

Those memories, keep returning again and again. I guess I can't escape the past no matter what. But, I'd like to live in this peaceful moment a bit more, and I'll surely protect everyone dear to me, no matter whosoever comes.

I take out my phone and dial a number.

"Hi, it's me, wanna grab some lunch outside? Yes, let's meet at the station at 1.30 pm "

Even though there might be many obstacles in my path, I'll simply destroy them, that's who I am, Ren Aorte. The MONARCH OF THE ABYSS.