
Chapter 1

The wind blew a gentle breeze over the city of Hexington. The bustling Friday night was full of life as the start of summer break kicked off. While newly freed students roamed the streets, they were unaware of the malevolent forces that roamed around every corner. Although Gust wasn't worried about the inevitable crime.

The 23-year-old Dominican hero lounged on top of a skyscraper with his mask off, browsing on his phone. As he hummed, as a tune from his phone dinged. As a message from his general manager popped up.

"Jasmine is going to be late." He rolled his eyes. His sister was always up to something, he sat up and went to text her back when an authoritative woman spoke into his ear.

"Hey Gust; Mayhem and Inferna are robbing Jewel Mania on 3rd street," he brought his green spandex-covered finger to his ear.

"I'm on it," He stood pulling his mask over his face. It stuck to his skin like a breathable glove. He moved his arms across his body to stretch them, then leaned side to side in a lunge, before rotating his head. Once he felt loose, he stepped off the 70-story building.

The air whipped around his form, straightening his usual curly thick brown hair, before he transformed the air around him, making it hold him and then guide him like a bullet to his destination.

Gust learned he could control the air around him when he was in kindergarten when he stopped Jasmine from falling down the stairs in midair. He could remember Jasmine staring in awe and his Uncle Sal in shock. Sal helped him learn to control his power. He learned he had super strength when he was 16 and accidentally ran through the wall in his uncle's house.

He smirked at the thought. His uncle was pissed, but they rebuilt the wall together. He missed his Uncle Sal. He raised him and his sister until he passed away from lung cancer. Gust had to take care of Jasmine once it happened, he was 20 and she was 17. Gust ended up naming a bar he opened after his uncle. It was something Sal dreamt about; Gust decided to make it a reality.

Gust hovered midair looking at the scene before him once at Jewel Mania. A couple of Mayhems thugs were blowing up random stuff to keep the Cops away. Others carried jewels and other valuables out of the destroyed store.

"You know maybe if you got a real job, you could afford these things," Gust landed and hummed in satisfaction as the outraged goons ran to him. He instantly started fighting, throwing punches and kicks. The goons ended up shooting at him, but the bullets would just stop midair, falling to the ground.

"Boys, don't worry," A voice effortlessly fierce, echoed as a car blew up. Gust glared, turning to see a woman walking through the fire sultry and confident. She wore an all-black outfit that showed off her shoulders. The collar went high around her neck, then traveled down to her hands, making it a long-sleeved glove combo. The battle suit showed off the front of the thighs that were encapsulated by fishnets. The suit was attached to ankle platform shoes that were held together around her ankle with a leather cuff. She also wore a leather harness around her waist and above her breasts that traveled up to her neck. Her long wavy hair that went past her thighs flowered behind her.

"Hiya Gusty," She smirked at him as she moved her fingers in a wave. Her golden skin started to glow, telling Gust what was to come. Her eyes narrowed and her body was engulfed in flames. "Nice to see you!" She growled as flames shot out of her feet, pushing her forward toward him like a rocket. Gust braced himself, with his arms crossed in front of him, as the force of her colliding with him threw him back. He grunted as his back hit the concrete of Jewel Mania with a blast, though he was able to grab her wrists and pushed her back harshly. She moved her body to roll from the force and then used her flames and hands to stop herself with a slide. Gust stood tall, letting the rubble around him fall while he smirked at the villainess. Though, she couldn't see it.

"Hello gorgeous, glad to see you still have the hots for me." He teased as he casually got in a fighting stance. Inferna rolled her eyes with annoyance. She then charged him with the movements of a wild animal.

"In your dreams curls," She swung her strong fiery fist at him. On every occasion, the two fought hard in their battles. Gust always ended up with burn marks and a sore jaw but he made sure to get his licks in too. He remembered the first time he fought her, he felt bad for hitting her. Even going as far as to apologize after the first hit. However, she let him know quickly that their situation was life or death. She had almost knocked him out before he realized he had to fight for his life.

Gust gritted his teeth as she cut through his forest green battle suit and the flesh by his ribs. He kneeled holding his side as he panted, glaring up at the women who stood proudly a couple of feet from him. A piece of his disheveled hair fell over his eye as he watched her hand engulf in flames.

"Die," She simply said, moving both of her hands in front of her and sending a wave of a blaze at him. His eyes widened with a gasp and he decided that the pain was nothing compared to the major blister he'd gain with the tidal wave of heat coming toward him. He quickly dived backwards, doing a backflip, then pushed the air upward, sending him to the top of an upside-down car. He was tired of fighting her and decided to end things – and quickly. He took in a giant breath of air, absorbing the oxygen around him, then blasted it at her with full force. Inferna's eyes widened as she tried to block the whirlwind of air coming her way but instead was sent flying into a building. Bricks and dust fell on her unconscious body. Gust huffed and turned his attention to the 40-year-old Master Mind, Mayhem. He walked out with a duffel bag as if Gust couldn't see him.

"I thought you were rich." Gust voiced as he flew behind the older man. Mayhem turned, only to be greeted by Gust's fist.

"Thanks again, Gust. You're a real lifesaver," The policeman who was finally able to make his way through once the chaos stopped, said to the hero. Gust stood with his arms crossed and a slight smirk as he watched Mayhem, Inferna, and their goons be escorted to the police car. Inferna was headed to a specialized police tank that was created to be immune to different types of Powers, people who possessed superpowers.

"Don't fucking touch me you idiotic fat piece of shit!" Inferna growled, thrashing a bit as a robust officer came to help the officer with box braids in a bun, who was struggling a bit. The officer looked weary but continued to help his fellow officer. Luckily for him, she had on chains that dimmed her powers to just, a higher than normal, body heat.

"Language ma'am," Gust teased her again, only making her look even more enraged. She bucked at Gust and two more officers pulled her into the back of the tank.

"I'll fucking kill you! You asshole!" She barked as the officer in the tank clipped her handcuffs to a chain in the vehicle. "You can take your wind and shove it up your- "The door slammed before she could finish, though Gust got the gist. He simply chuckled with slight satisfaction.

"She's a work of art," The officer said. Gust turned his attention back to the officer and shrugged.

"Yup. Make sure she doesn't get out this time. She's loca," Gust said, knowing she'd get out somehow.

"Agreed. So where do you go after a fight?" The officer asked. Gust cocked his head slightly with a chuckle.

"I go home," he replied as if it was obvious. "Where do you think I go?" he asked curiously. The officer shrugged.

"I don't know, like to a cave or something," Gust laughed.

"Well, I'm not Batman. I have a house. I'm gonna take a shower, maybe sleep. I'm a regular guy with bills and struggles," Gust shrugged with slight annoyance.

"Yeah right," The officer chuckled. Gust looked at the officer's name tag.

"Put it this way Officer Williams, I'm human too." He finished and then blasted into the night sky.


At home, an apartment that sat in the heart of Hexington, Gust got out of his battle suit, dropping it on the floor in his room as he walked towards the bathroom. He was gonna have to tell the agency to fix this one. He walked into his bathroom and looked at his nude athletic form in the mirror. The new bruises from Inferna were already healing because of his quick regeneration cells, but the gash was a different story. While it had stopped bleeding, it was still pretty deep and hurt like a thousand ants were biting him repeatedly. He winced as he used a wet towel to wipe the dried blood on his side. He sighed, relaxing his arm. He needed a shower, stat. He was sweaty and felt grimy.

Once clean, he moisturized his lightly caramelized skin and then wrapped his wound before dressing in rustic brown long sleeves and dark-washed jeans. He sprayed his hair with frizz control, brushed it then went downstairs to the bar he was in charge of. It was already opened and was usually in full swing until closing; around 3 a.m. Regulars greeted him as the R&B music played in the background. Some of the customers smoked or drank while others danced and played games.

He went behind the bar where his sister, Jasmine, was. She was wearing a bikini top, red plaid skirt, school girl outfit today.

"Thanks," She grinned as she took a tip from a guy who ogled at her. She turned and smiled brightly at her sibling. "Oh, hi Chris!" she greeted.

"Hi," he said, keeping his disapproving comments about her outfit to himself. Instead, he asked, "Why were you late?" Jasmine froze slightly then smiled innocently at him.

"Chris, you know you're my favorite brother," Chris rolled his eyes telling her that he was her only brother before she said, "I accidentally, might have backed your car into a pole," She made a face, twisting her fingers as Chris's eyes widened.


"Sorry! I'm gonna cover it! I promise! That's why I wore this so that I can get tips," She twirled. Chris pinched the middle of his nose with a heavy sigh. Luckily, he had insurance, but she would definitely be covering the deductible. He was about to reply to her when she grabbed his arm. "Chris." She said with a calm urgency. He looked up at her as someone yelped. He turned to see what was happening when his heart dropped. Inferna was here. Not in her battle suit, though, she still wore her usual scowl. She wore leather pants that had rips in them, platform boots, and a crop top that had fishnets under it. She had her long hair in a high ponytail and wore eyeliner that was smudged that gave the illusion of deep eyes, as well as black lipstick.

She walked to the bar and sat in the middle. Some moved away from her, while others stared at her as if she was crazy. Which she was.

Chris swallowed as fear rippled through him. Did she know he was Gust? How do I get Jasmine out of her? What if Jas gets hurt? He looked at his baby sister with an unsettled look as she looked at the villainess with slight worry.

"Someone call the police!" A shrill voice yelled. No, they'd just call me! Christ cursed to himself.

"Wait," Christ said as Inferna turned to glare at the woman who wanted to call the police.

"I just want a drink," Inferna stated, rather calmly. Though her voice was still as tough as nails, daring someone to touch her.

"You're gonna kill us all!" The woman argued. Inferna simply scoffed.

"Listen tubs," She mocked the lady who looked offended. "If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already." Inferna turned around and looked at Chris who stood in front of her.

"Well? Can I get a drink or are you just gonna stand there?" Chris frowned at her.

"First, if you're asking for a service, you could be nicer. Secondly, you have to promise not to do anything or we'll call Gust," he stated seriously to her Inferna rolled her eyes at that.

"Whatever," she leaned on her arms, closing her eyes. Everyone had their eyes on her before they started to relax and move away from the dangerous woman.

"Help the other customers," Chris said to Jasmine who moved away quickly. Chris looked back at the docile dragon. She looked more relaxed than when he usually saw her but still tense. She suddenly opened her hazel eyes and narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?" She asked harshly. He blinked then swallowed.

"I, uh, was just curious as to why you are here." He said truly. She rolled her eyes, sitting up fully.

"Are you an idiot? Did I not say I wanted a drink? Where even is my drink?"

"Do you have an ID?" He asked, ignoring her tone.

"As if, I'm 25." She hissed, crossing her arms. Chris sighed heavily looking at her, debating if he should just tell her to leave, however, he noticed she had a black eye, and it wasn't from the fight earlier. Like himself, she could heal quite quickly so any bruise should have been gone by now. So, what was up with the eye?

"Fine," he said, placing a cup in front of her and poured the strongest vodka he had.

"Do you want to open a tab or?" He trailed off wondering if she planned to pay at all.

"What? I don't get a courtesy? I'm obviously famous," She blew a kiss at some of the people cowering away from her. Chris placed both hands on the bar looking over slightly.

"Obviously," he said deadpan. "Your courtesy is not calling the police or Gust." She rolled her eyes again.

"The police can't hold me," Clearly. he thought. "And don't waste my time on that pig Gust," she sipped her drink. Pig? How am I a pig? He frowned.

"Pig? He seems like a good guy, saving the day and all," he countered. She huffed.

"Of course, you'd say that. You're an idiotic guy. All men are the same." She drank all of her drink. Chris simply poured more into her cup wondering what he'd done to offend her. They fought all the time. It was nothing personal...well except her trying to kill him all the time, but that was her job. If Mayhem wasn't in the picture, she'd be different; he was sure about it.

"You know what he said today? "I see you're still hot for me" or some shit like that. That fucking bastard. As if I don't get enough shit from Mayhem. Now sexual innuendos from him too?" She growled. "I'll kill him next time." He blinked. He didn't think that would hurt her feelings out of all the things.

"Maybe he didn't think you'd take it to heart. I mean, you call people out their names all the time," he argued for his other-self.

"Tsk," She sucked her teeth. "Forget it. You don't get it," she spat, then chugged the drink again. "More," she said harshly to Chris. He simply poured.

"So," he asked after a while. "What's up with the black eye?" She had closed her eyes, though she looked uncomfortable and tense.

"What's it to you?"

"Just making conversation."

"Then don't" she demanded. He pressed his lips together as a man in a midnight designer silk suit sat next to her.

"What can I get you, sir?" Chris half-smiled politely. Inferna looked at the man, then looked away, a slight blush on her face. Chris paused.

What? He wondered as the man ordered a bourbon. The man wasn't that good-looking, so what about him made her, out of all people, blush? Was it the money suit? Chris was completely confused. However, it was interesting to see Inferna react so femininely.

"Come here often?" The man asked Inferna as he sipped his drink.

"No sir, it's my first time," she said looking at him, then at her drink bashfully.

What the fuck? Chris thought, watching her chug the rest of her drink again, then motioned him for another drink. He gave her a look, wondering what was going on, but she gave him an emotionless look.

"Ok," Chris mumbled, confused as the man looked Inferna over before drinking his drink. Chris snorted to himself.

And Gust was a pig? He thought before his attention turned to glass breaking. Inferna looked over as well, as Chris sucked his teeth.

"I'll clean it," he said as his general manager checked out the scene, as well as Jasmine. He looked back at Inferna who was simply staring at him, as if she was seeing him. He hoped she hadn't figured out who he was. If so, he was fucked. He decided to smile at her before walking off.

After he cleaned the broken glass, he walked back to see Inferna a bit more intoxicated than she was before. Powers were less likely to get drunk from alcohol because of how fast they healed. She was fine before he left. What happened? He wondered as he watched the man put an arm around her. She hummed and tried to lean away, but he held her close, telling her that she was pretty. Chris felt a weird feeling in his gut as her hooded eyes looked turned to Chris.

"Bartender!" She slurred leaning forward towards Chris.

"Hey, is everything ok?" He asked as she grabbed his hands that were resting on the countertop.

"Everything is fine," the man said with an edge. Inferna looked at the man, then back at Chris.

"More drink!" She grinned at him with a slight hiccup. He was definitely not giving her anymore. But he did want to take her cup to do a quick drug test. He did not trust the way that man would pull Inferna back to him and kissed her neck. Plus, she should not have gotten drunk from regular liquor.

He went to the back counter to grab the drug tester, then dropped some of the clear liquid into her cup. Instantly it turned a neon blue. It was positive with a drug. He knew it. He felt sick that this had happened in his bar.

"Fuck," He mumbled. He pressed a button under the bar that called the police, then poured water into a glass and turned to see Inferna looking in a daze as the man sucked on her neck. Chris imagined Jasmine being in that situation and instantly got more pissed. He turned to Jasmine and spoke.

"Jas, the sky isn't blue anymore," he said. Jasmine instantly tensed turning to him. She looked at Inferna and frowned. She went into action without hesitation. She moved with haste, going around the counter to where Inferna was. Chris followed, putting the cup down.

"Inferna, let's go to the backroom," Jasmine forced her body between the two. The man looked shocked while Inferna looked confused.

"The bathroom?" She slurred and leaned forward against Jasmine.

"Yes," Jasmine helped the woman stand. Inferna grabbed her head and looked at Jasmine with concern.

"I can't flame up," she said leaning on Jasmine. The seemingly rich man looked shocked at what was happening and stood. Chris went in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Sir, sit back down," Chris said with a glare. "I know what you did. The police are on their way," The man glared back at Chris.

"I paid top dollar to get her, so I'm going to get what I paid for." The man argued. Chris wasn't afraid of this clown.

"I don't care what you paid for. You drugged her. She is not going anywhere with you," Chris said seriously. "Now sit!" He barked, using a bit of the wind around him to force the man to fall back. The man gasped as he fell in his seat. "Now stay." Chris turned his attention to Inferna who suddenly stumbled into Chris's arms. Chris caught his breath as she looked up at him with big, dazed hazel eyes. It was the softest look he's ever seen in her eyes. He took note of how she was the perfect height for him, and the perfect physical fit he was looking for in a woman for his future.

"He paid. I'm supposed to go," she said. Red alarms went off in his head. Was she prostituting herself? She squeezed his shirt on his chest as she pants.

"Inferna, I don't care. Your firepower isn't working. You said so yourself, something is wrong. A roofie wouldn't stop your power. I don't know what he put in your drink. But it wasn't a normal drug. You're not going with him." He said to her. She looked like she was processing what he said to her before she nodded at him and then relaxed into his chest.

"Ok..." He said as his neck flushed red. He ignored the smug look coming from Jasmine when he made eye contact with her. Instead, he spoke, "Take her to our apartment Jas."


Once the police took the man, whose name was "Duncan Walter," Chris filed a report to have him banned from the bar before heading upstairs to his apartment where Jasmine took Inferna.

"Hey, how is she?" Chris asked from where Jasmine stood in the hallway. Then he heard the vomiting coming from behind the closed bathroom door.

Oh, God. He thought.

"After an hour, it all came up. I hope she's ok. She locked the door and has been in there for a while. She won't let me in." Jasmine said softly.

"Go get her some water and crackers," Chris said to her and she gave a soft nod before turning to their kitchen. Chris knocked on the door. "Inferna. Are you ok?" He asked.

"Do I sound o-." A retching noise interrupted her making Chris slightly chuckle. At least she was rude again. She must be healing. Before Chris could respond, the door opened, and there she stood looking hella tired. Her eye makeup ran down her face as she glared at him.

"How do you feel?" He asked, looking at her. She was trying to keep her dirty look, but she ended up just looking disoriented instead.

"I'm fine." She wiped her eyes, smearing her makeup even more.

"Here, I have an extra toothbrush." He slides by her form into the bathroom.

"I'm fine. I should go." She said, placing a hand on her head.

"Go? Where?" He asked. "You got a black eye, you were drugged, and your fire powers don't work." He put the new toothbrush on the counter as he looked at her. "That Duncan guy was saying he bought you. Inferna, isn't Mayhem like, rich? You don't have to sell yourself. You're a strong, powerful, and capable young woman." He ranted. She looked away then sighed.

"He makes me." She took the toothbrush from the counter and bumped him over so she could be in front of the sink. He blinked in shock. She brushed her teeth then when she finished, she grabbed her choker with a finger, "I'm his submissive. I do what he asks of me, when he asks of me, and sometimes, I sleep with other doms. For a high price, but" She shrugged. "The black eye is because I didn't beat Gust today. So, when we broke out of jail, I got punished." She crossed her arms looking down frustrated. Chris stared in shock, feeling slightly bad. When he won, did this happen to her? "Mayhem...I don't know. He's changed, The Villain thing went to his head. But I deserve it. I am darkness. Everything around me always crumbles. I live in my own personal level of the inferno." She said dryly looking at herself in the mirror blankly.

"Inferna..." He said not knowing what to say. It didn't matter anyways because she cut him off.

"But I never agreed to get drugged by a random man. Mayhem is the only person who has that drug. He usually uses it when we have a scene just in case, I start getting mad or flaming up. That's why my black eye is healing very slowly. I had a dose earlier; it was enough to leave bruises on my body. But I don't know how much that guy gave me. I don't even know how he got it! He must have stolen it. Unless." She looked confused, then looked up at a flabbergasted Chris. "Why would Mayhem give him the drug?"

"I-I don't know. But I think you should just stay here." He said without thinking.

"No, I have to go back." She shook her head.

"No. It does not sound safe."

"It's not, but I make do." She said heavily with a shrug.

"I just...look," Chris pressed his lips together. "You've been through a lot tonight. Your body is in a weakened state. I don't know where you live, but it will probably be hard getting there at," He looked at his watch. "3 o'clock in the morning. You can sleep in my bed. Jasmine lives here too, so it's not like you'll be the only woman in the house." He explained realizing it was awkward for him to just invite her to stay. She watched him curiously.

"Have we met before?" She asked suddenly. He blinked.

"No." He replied.

"You're lying," She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.

"My name is John Christopher Reyes." He said seriously.

Get off my back Inferna. He thought.

"You have two first names..."

"I know," He rolled his eyes. "Call me Chris." He held a hand out. She poked it, then pressed her lips together before she said. "I know you; I don't know how though." He swallowed as Jasmine suddenly appeared. He had known she was standing in the hallway listening by the way the air pressure changed but he didn't make it known.

"I brought water." She said holding up a bottle of water.

"Look, water! H2O should help with your Inferno."

"It actually puts it out," Inferna turned to the siblings.

"What? Do you drink lighter fluid?" He joked.

"I can," She replied, taking the bottle from the younger woman. Chris's jaw simply slacked.


"Seriously," she said dryly before taking a sip. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"Wait, you can have my bed."

"No. Where is the couch?" she said seriously.

"Ok." He replied. Then lead the woman to the living room.


After changing into a pajama set Jasmine offered to her, Inferna laid on the couch staring at the TV. Everyone had settled down, including Chris. He walked out of the single bathroom in the apartment. He rubbed his hair with a towel as he walked into the living room. It was around 5 am and Inferna was still wide awake.

"Are you going to sleep?" He asked.

"He might come," She mumbled. Chris frowned at this. Was she scared?

"Inferna," he said. She watched him, impassively as he sat on the lounge chair that was by the end table. "You're safe here. No one is gonna get you. I won't let them," She rolled her eyes softly, pulling the covers closer to her chin. "You look tired. Just take the night off and relax. Sleep. Trust me, in a world full of bad guys and superheroes, my place is safe. I've made sure of it. I got to protect my sis," he smiled at her, as she snuggled more into the fluffy blanket that was also from Jasmine. He was fairly sure Jasmine had taken a liking to the woman who had constantly tried to kill him.

"Don't watch me sleep like a weirdo." She replied. He chuckled softly, turning his attention to the TV as she closed her eyes.

Chris found himself waking up to the sun in his face. He grunted softly as he sat up from the reclining chair. He rubbed his eyes with a slight yawn as he looked around. He saw Inferna in a ball on the couch, her head tucked in and snoring softly. He found himself smiling. Her eyebrows looked so peaceful. She didn't look angry for once. Her long hair fell over the side on the couch slightly making her look strangely angelic.

Chris. Don't even go there. He thought to himself, making a face, then stood, sneaking to the bathroom.

Once done refreshing himself, Chris stood in the kitchen whipping up breakfast for the ladies and himself. He listened to merengue music playing faintly in the bathroom. He hummed softly as he felt the air shift behind him. He turned to see Inferna, wide awake, looking at him with a blank face.

"Good morning sunshine," He grinned at her. She looked refreshed, and without her smudged makeup, less angry.

"You're cooking." She crossed her arms as she walked closer to look at the food.

"That I am. I hope you like French toast." He looked at her, leaning to the side a bit, giving her room.

"I hope you can cook." She replied, causing Chris to laugh softly.

"I can only hope I am up to the Princesses standards," he said as he started mixing the eggs with salt and pepper.

"Don't call me princess." She snapped. Then flipped her hair. "I am a much higher ranking than that." She scoffed and Chris mumbled "ok" before pressing his lips together. His ears perked as she rummaged through the cabinets.

"Can I help you?" He asked putting the bowl down and moved to the side as she opened the drawer in front of him.

"Where are the cups?"

"Like, cup cups or a mug?" He asked to irritate her. She glared.

"A mug." He smirked.

"Over the dishwasher, Queen," He hummed.

"Don't call me that either," she said, then sucked her tongue when she saw the regular cups and mugs were in the same area.

"Well, what am I supposed to call you?" He responded while finishing up his breakfast masterpiece.

"My name, dummy," She poured some of the caffeinated hot liquid from the pot he had started into a plain black mug.

"A nickname," He replied.

"We aren't friends," she said deadpan. "I don't do nicknames."

"We could be, and isn't "Inferna" a nickname?" He peaked at her as she glared at him.

"Are you always this stupid in the morning?" Her tone was irritated.

"Do you always have to be rude?"

"Oh my God!" Her hair flamed up a bit. "You are so infuriating! Why can't you just cook breakfast and shut up?" She marched towards him. He laughed leaning back. He decided he should stop messing with her as he told her to chill out through his laughter. It just pissed her off more.

"Inferna! Your flames are back!" Jasmine entered the room with a cheer. She suddenly hugged the woman who instantly made her flames disappear with a shocked look. She then frowned.

"Are you going to let me go?" Inferna asked dryly as Jasmine simply cuddled into her more.

"Nah, you're warm," Jasmine giggled. Inferna walked to her coffee mug, with Jasmine stuck to her, and then sipped a bit of her drink. Jasmine gasped. "Coffee! Thank you, Chrissy," She jumped on her brother's back.

"Off," he said with a chuckle. Inferna sat at the small dining table watching the sibling bicker before Jasmine sat in front of the woman.

"So, do you like movies?" She asked. Inferna shrugged.

"They are ok," She replied as Chris sat a plate of french toast, bacon, and eggs in front of them.

"Thank you, Chrissy," Jasmine smiled.

"Do you want powdered sugar on your french toast Inferna?" Chris asked as he sprinkled a bit on Jasmines.

"No." she says, cutting her food. Chris sat next to Inferna with his plate.

"It is super good, Chris makes the best food. You should try his fajitas," Jasmine smiled. Chris chuckled shyly as Inferna took a bite. He stared at her. She blinked.

"What?" She asked, biting the bacon.

"What do you think? Is it good?"

"Am I spitting it out?" she asked. Jasmine giggled softly.

"No," He mumbled.

"Then it's edible." She chewed. He pouted slightly.

"I don't think you're gonna get a compliment from her," Jasmine teased, pointing her fork at him.

"I see," Chris said, then bit his bacon. The trio continued to eat their breakfast peacefully with a lighthearted conversation.


Chris and Jasmine frowned as they stood at the door with Inferna.

"Here," Jasmine gave Inferna a piece of paper. "My number, call me whenever," She smiled, then hugged the slightly taller female who tensed up, then looked at Jasmine when she pulled away.

"I might call you," She replied. Jasmine giggled softly at her.

"Ok," She replied. Inferna moved her eyes to Chris who had his arms crossed, looking disappointed.

"Are you sure you want to leave? You could stay and change your life around." He tried to convince her. She shook her head.

"I'm living the life I deserve. It's fine," He pressed his lips together at her response.

"Well...if you need anything, we are here," He spoke softly. Jasmine nodded in agreement.

Inferna hummed looking at the two, before turning to walk to the door to leave. The siblings watched the villain walk out and wondered when they would meet like this again.