
Chapter 2

The sun shined brightly as the young villainess walked into the playboy mansion estate hidden in the thick branches of the Hexington forest. It was one reason why no one was able to find where the villains lived, it was literally built into the trees.

"Welcome back Inferna," the butler, Robert, held the door open for her. He was an older man who was fairly kind. He didn't have much to do with Mayhems business other than serving drinks and cleaning.

"Where is Mayhem?" She asked moving by him without a thought.

"In his office, last I heard," His silver mustache moved as he spoke while he closed the door. She needed to tell him that Duncan stole the drug from the mansion. Inferna had no doubt that Mayhem would have him killed for his deceit against them. Inferna smirked at the thought of Duncan being tortured as she knocked on the giant oak doors that lead to Mayhem's office. She opened the door before Mayhem could answer. She rolled her eyes at the blue-eyed woman in his lap: Lisa. She had become his new favorite flavor of the month.

"Ah, Inferna, my sweet. Where the hell have you been?" He asked in his usual cheerful tone. He stood, as Lisa moved to his chair, crossing her pale legs with a smirk.

"I went to the bar as ordered, but he drugged me. Mayhem, he stole the Arretonal," She looked up at the man who she had fallen in love with as he cupped her face with gentle rough hands.

"Oh, my poor Princess," He cooed at her. "My poor stupid, Princess," She frowned at him. "I gave him the Arretonal," He kissed her forehead. A cold shiver went up her spine as she stared at him with wide eyes while he moved away from her.

"What? I…I don't understand. That drug is for you, and you alone,"

"Do you think my clients want to fuck a girl who can burn their dicks off?" He chuckled turning to look at Lisa who was giggling softly.

"I never agreed to be drugged by random men. That drug is for you!" She reiterated.

"Inferna, I would watch your tone," Mayhem took off his sunglasses, showing his bloodshot eyes.

"Do you not care?" She continued loudly. "Without my powers, I can die! And you let a random guy have it! What if- "His hand went across Inferna's face, knocking her down. She felt the heat course through her veins as she went ablaze. She spit out blood as she looked up at Mayhem who twisted his ring that gave him the strength of a Power. She glared back at the harsh eyes glaring at her.

"Just because you lead the ladies does not mean you get to tell me how to run my business. You must have forgotten," He was suddenly on her, holding her down by her neck. Her flames went out instantly. She didn't want to burn him, even though he was hurting her. She choked, grabbing his hands. "I am your master. You do as I say. You are my pet. Do you understand?" He squeezed tightly, before letting her go.

"Yes, sir." She coughed. She masked her anger, looking down and away from him to show him that she was still his perfect pet. "Good, you know I hate hurting you," He went back to his cheerfulness, as he helped her stand. She tensed as she stood before him. He cupped her face and kissed her lips.

"Now, you know you're getting punished for not coming home, right?"

"Yes sir,"

"Good. You already know to meet me in my room?"

"Yes sir,"

"You're still angry," he said looking at her hair. "Take the Arretonal. I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said dismissing her and going to Lisa. Inferna turned to leave, clenching her fists as she heard Lisa speak in her stupid girlish voice: "She such a stupid girl master."


After receiving a beating and her body being used for pleasure, Inferna stood on her balcony smoking a cigarette. She was just in a black tank crop top and underwear as the cool night breeze swayed her hair. She had decided she hated it here. She wanted to blast away, everything in her soul told her to leave; but she couldn't abandon Mayhem. He was her family. He had found her when she was 16, where was she supposed to go? With Jasmine and Chris? She scoffed, then blew out the tobacco smoke. She would permanently damage their perfect little lives. A knock came from her door, interrupting her thoughts. She didn't move to acknowledge it though.

"Miss Inferna," Robert poked his head in. "Mayhem wants you suited up and at the helicopter pad in ten minutes."

"Kay," She replied as she took another drag of her cigarette.


"Why is she here?" Inferna asked looking at Lisa who sat next to Mayhem in the chopper wearing a light blue crop top, leggings, and sneakers. Is she going to the gym? She wondered as Mayhem responded.

"She's my new sidekick. Along with you of course," He smiled, putting his arm around the 19-year-old.

"She looks like a Disney character," Inferna said making Lisa give her a look. "Are you going to scoot over? Make room blondie," Inferna said.

"Why don't you follow us from behind. Use those strong powers you cherish so much to fly," Lisa said, crossing her legs and snuggling up to Mayhem. Inferna glared and made her right-hand light.

"I'll melt you," She hissed.

"Master," Lisa cried, hiding in Mayhem's chest.

"Now Inferna, I thought you were a team player," He looked like he was eating this up. "Be a good girl and follow us. Ok, Princess?" She growled and blasted off, leaving a cloud of smoke in their faces.


Inferna leaned against the walls of Diamond Box, yet another Jewelry store, as Mayhem and "Snowball", took what they pleased.

This is stupid. She thought. Inferna would have much rather laid in her bed all day. Or beat up a punching bag to get her anger out.

"Another Jewelry store? I'm starting to think that Mayhem is lying about his bank account," Ah, a personal punching bag. Maybe God does listen to me. Inferna thought as she looked up at the floating hero.

"You know curls, me too." She replied, wasting no time to flame up. "But then again, why spend money when you can get the 5-finger discount?" She charged up at him. They collided and Gust let out a very satisfying "oof". She pushed him to earth, leaving a hole in the black asphalt. She then blasted fire from her hands down at the hero as she hovered in the air. He moved out the way quickly and panted as he slid to a halt.

"Is it just me or are you," He did a backflip again as she threw a fireball at him. "Angrier today?"

"What's it to ya?" She dropped to the ground and charged at him, swiping her claws at him.

"Mental health is important," He started and then yelped as she kicked his chest, sending him to the ground. She quickly got on him, straddling his sides, holding her fist up to strike. "Like, human to human, in a weird way, I care about you." She was taken aback. Here she was in a striking position and he wants to tell her that he cares for her?

"Are you stupid?" She asked out loud.

"Maybe," He panted, relaxing slightly, as his head fell back while he caught his breath. She raised a brow, looking him over. He was…. familiar. Not because she fought him all the time, but just like, in general. Who are you? She wondered.

"You are an idiot," She said as Mayhem and "Snowball" ran out of the store. They both looked in their direction as Gust said: "I'm sorry," Inferna looked back at him as he moved his legs, making her lose her balance, and fall to the ground. He moved on top of her, pinning her down. She struggled and roared in frustration. She heard him say that he had to stop Mayhem but was annoyed at the fact that she had lost, yet again! Over a conversation!

This is stupid! She yelled in her head, sitting up to see Snowball cowering away from Gust, and Mayhem getting punched. Well…I'm not getting arrested today. She smirked and blasted away as sirens echoed behind her.


Later that night, while Inferna was running on the treadmill, a furious Mayhem slammed to the gym.

"What the fuck Inferna! You left me!" He yelled. Inferna ignored the man, enjoying the blood pumping quickly through her veins. That was until her hair was yanked back harshly, making her fall back to the ground. She grunted and glared from the ground as she looked up at the standing man.

"You have Snowball now, why do I have to save you?" She barked as he scoffed.

"Please," he brushed off the idea of Snowball. "She's just having fun. But you," He cupped her face with both hands, pulling her to a stand awkwardly. "You are my greatest creation." She pulled away from him stumbling slightly.

"Whatever, you treat me like shit. If I'm your greatest creation you would appreciate me," She hesitated, then finished her sentence. "You'd love me." He blinked at her, shocked at her statement. He then grabbed her hands and brought them to his lips before he laughed.

"Inferna, my sweet," Inferna felt her stomach twist at his cackle. "Love you? I'm your master. I control you. I don't have to like you, let alone love you. Plus, who in their right mind would love someone with the power to start a fire? Be honest with yourself." He pulled her numb body to his, embracing her. She felt a cold wave wash over her as her stomach dropped.

"Get off," She pushed out of his grasp. Before he could pull her back, she ran out to her balcony and blasted off into the night sky.


The usual bright moon was covered by storm clouds. As if nature understood how Inferna felt, the rain fell on her like a waterfall. She held herself as she walked in the empty streets of Hexington. Her fire was nonexistent with the constant rain pounding on her cold form. Her long hair clung to her sides, covering her sports bra and work out shorts.

She sniffled, wiping her face. While she'd never admit it out loud, what Mayhem said hurt. But she knew it was true. She was cursed to be in a torturous relationship with Mayhem or be alone.

She was suddenly bumped out of her despair by a girl who giggled.

"My bad," she giggled, not recognizing the villainess. Inferna ignored the girl as she looked up to see where the girl came from.

"Sal's," She mumbled at the bright blue and white lights. Images of Chris and Jasmine at breakfast entered her mind. She knew it was going to be warm and dry in the bar, so she entered. The sound of joy filled her ears as she walked into the lively bar. People didn't cower as they didn't recognize her as her hair clung to her entire body like spaghetti. With her head low, she moved the stools that sat at the bar and took a seat. She looked up and saw Chris talking to some girl, giving her a flirty smile. The girl was batting her eyes at him as he laughed at something she said before moving to pour someone else a drink. Then, like he could feel her looking at him, he turned his head in her direction. She didn't expect him to smile so brightly at her, however. He walked toward her and his smile faded as he got a good look at her.

"You're wet," he said with a face. "What happened?" He asked, but before she could answer, he walked around the counter to look at her more closely. He cupped her cheeks as if he was close to her and stared at her. She swallowed feeling how gentle and smooth his hands were compared to Mayhem.

"Have you been crying?" He leaned down slightly as he spoke in a quiet tone. She looked away from him, feeling like the moment was too intimate.

"Of course not," She lied. "It's just really cold. My power doesn't mix well with water." She replied as if he annoyed her. In reality, she was shocked that he noticed.

"C'mon let's get you inside my place. We'll get you a change of clothes and get you cleaned up." He replied, nodding towards the door. She stood silently and followed him out the bar, to the door next to the bar. He opened it and they were in a stairwell. Inferna didn't remember walking up these stairs last time.

I must have been really fucked up. She thought as they got to an apartment-style hallway at the top of the stairs. She noticed more apartments to the right of Chris's. He opened the door and there was an instant: "Hola Chrissy!" called by the girlish voice of Jasmine.

"Hola, Inferna esta aqui," He called. Inferna stared shocked, not knowing they spoke Spanish. She was part Dominican and part Black. She had always wanted to learn Spanish.

"She is?" Jasmine ran into the living room in a pajama dress, a guacamole mask, and deep conditioner in her hair. Chris gave her a blank look.

"This is why you needed to take off today?" He asked dryly.

"I have to make sure I look good so I can get tips. Anyways, Inferna!" Jasmine jumped on the curious villainess only to pull back immediately. "You're wet." Jasmine made a face. Inferna blinked. Why was this family so touchy? She wondered.

"Yeah," She replied lamely.

"Come on girl, let's get you into a shower," Jasmine grabbed her hand pulling her along. "You can fit into my clothes, so don't worry about that. I don't have any spare panties though…" Inferna looked back at Chris who was smirking.

"Adios," He waved before leaving the women.


"So, are you living here now?" Jasmine asked as she brushed through Inferna's now dried hair.

"No, I just," Inferna looked at her hands. "Ended up here on my walk."

"Well, I'm glad you did. I missed you," Jasmine giggled. Inferna rolled her eyes.

"I was only here for one day,"

"But it was nice to have a girl around,"

"Weird," Inferna mumbled making Jasmine giggle softly. She went back to brushing her hair. Inferna then felt Jasmine part her hair down the middle. "So, uh. Do you think I'm loveable?" She asked suddenly. This was "girl talk" right? She wondered. She felt Jasmine pause and Inferna huffed, controlling her power enough not to flame up in Jasmine's delicate hands. "Never mind. Forget it." She mumbled.

"No! You're fine," Jasmine placed a hand on Inferna's shoulder. "I do think you're lovable." Inferna peered back at her. "I know you are tough as nails, and you do a lot of bad things, and you almost kill Gust every other day," Inferna gave her a blank stare. "But you are also a good listener and you are nice, even if you are harsh with your words sometimes. But I think it's admirable," This made Inferna turn all the way around confused. "Well, I can be timid and laugh when my feelings get hurt, but you stand up for yourself. You're so brave, especially after what happened the other day…to go back to that life. In a way, I love you." Jasmine smiled sweetly at Inferna. Letting the words settle in, Inferna swallowed deeply and turned around quickly feeling a second wave of emotions hit her.

"Thanks," She mumbled. Jasmine giggled and went back to her hair.


Inferna watched Chris as she laid on the couch. Her hair was out of her face for once, thanks to the twin Dutch braids Jasmine put in her head. He was sitting in the recliner watching TV with interest. It was some action movie on. Inferna didn't mind his sitting there because she was able to study him. He just looked so familiar. His hair, his physic, right down to the way he talked. She just couldn't place it. It pissed her off.

He suddenly looked at her. She didn't move her gaze from his hazel eyes. His face turned slightly red. Oh? That's cute. She thought watching his face. He looked kind of young. He had to be older than 18 though.

"How old are you?"

"23, why?" He asked. She simply looked away. He's two years younger than me and has a whole apartment and business! Why did I get stuck with an abusive master? She sighed heavily, then looked up at him when he took a sip of his root beer, going back to the TV once she didn't answer.

"Do you think I'm loveable?" She asked. He choked. Fuck. She covered her head with the blanket curling into a ball. Of course, Jasmine would say yes, she's super nice.

"I mean, yeah? I can see it," He answered suddenly. What? Inferna thought as she peeked at him slightly. "Like that," He pointed at her. "That is cute." She felt her face heat up so she kept her face covered. "And even when you get crazy, there is something enduring about it. You're passionate and gentle at times. Like with Jasmine. I just think you should explore your options. Like, I feel like you've been confined to Mayhem for so long…why not take a break? Smell the roses, date other men, who don't pay you to do it. You are capable and worthy of love." He ranted, then looked at her. She looked thoughtful, then hummed. She turned to the couch wall.


"Night," He stood when he realized he was dismissed and left the room, leaving Inferna with her thoughts.


"Mayhem would like to see you," Robert said politely to Inferna as he opened the front doors for her.

"Thanks," she said then made her way to her room instead of to Mayhem's office. Inferna could admit, that it was nice falling asleep and waking up without the feeling of someone walking in on her. She swallowed not believing what she was about to do. She went to her bathroom and locked it. She looked at herself in the mirror gripping the countertop.

She was going to leave. Just for a couple of days, to "Smell the roses". She had made the decision when Jasmine gave her a teary goodbye this morning with a bear hug. It felt nice and warm. She wanted to feel that warmth again. Inferna changed into a grey tub top, skinny jeans that had plenty of rips in them, and black combat boots. She walked out to grab a bag and her jacket but paused when she saw Mayhem on the bed. He was looking at his nails.

"You know," He started as Inferna tensed up. "When I saved you at 16, you were such a good girl. Eager to please me. You earned your role as "Inferna", the baddest villains in all of Hexington." He looked up at her with a glare. "Now look at you. Disobeying me, running off to God knows where – do you like to worry me? Because that's what I do, I worry," His face was suddenly gentle as he walked toward her. He cupped her chin and roughly made her look up at him. She swallowed. "You're supposed to be my number 1! What the hell do you think you're doing?" He hissed quietly looking at her intensely with clear green eyes. Without a beat she replied.

"I want to take a break." Like she burned him, he moved his hand back, staring at her. The silence was loud as she stood tall.

"A break?" He said, then laughed. "A break. Are you stupid? Did Gust hit you, one too many times on the head?" He tapped her forehead. She smacked his finger away from her. He giggled slightly at her annoyance.

"No, you did. I'm tired of being your punching bag. I'm tired of being sold to other men. I'm tired of fighting Gust," Inferna swallowed and grabbed Mayhem's hands. Hoping he'd understand. "When I was 16, I loved you. You were my saving grace from that horrible foster home. But then things, changed," She pulled back. "It's like I'm right back in there. Instead of an escape, it ended up being the same cage." She finished standing back as Mayhem cooed.

"You loved me?" She sighed and turned to grab her bag again. There was no getting through to him. "That's sweet Inferna, but you're not leaving. You're mine," He grabbed her roughly. She pulled back but he held her close. "You need to remember who is in charge here," He pushed her onto the bed. She felt a slight panic rise in her. She hadn't taken her pill.

"Move Mayhem," she said loudly, pushing at him.

"This game you're playing is kind of hot baby," he said.

"I'm not playing, move!" She bucked at him as he went for her pants. "Get off! I don't want to hurt you!" Her eyes widen as he started to unbutton his pants.

"You're not leaving me. You're not taking a break!" He yelled at her as he pulled at her pants.

"Yes, I am!" She yelled back flaming up, blasting her fire at him. He yelled in agony, grabbing his eye as he fell back from her. "I said no!" She fixed her pants, then grabbed some of the things she'd need. "I might be back." She hissed at his groaning body before she ran off.