Shifting the Grave to the Capital

Xiaoguo retracted her gaze and looked at the soldiers lined up in a row. They were actually real soldiers. This was the only thought that popped into Xiaoguo's mind.

"Eh? Are they wearing armor? Wow, they really are!"

It was a real eye-opener for Xiaoguo. However, after entering the front door, she restrained herself. No one must see her like this.

Xiaoguo followed behind the village chief's wife steadily. She did not look around anymore and just stared ahead calmly.

The atmosphere in the house was so still that everyone's breathing could be heard clearly. The two high-ranking officials were seated in the lobby and sipping their tea in a leisurely manner.

The old village chief was standing and looking so anxious that his already bent back looked even more crooked.

He was just a small village chief. With two high-ranking officials sitting in front of him, he didn't even dare to blink.