Looking for Qin Anming

Zhuang Zhuang nodded obediently and helped Xiaoguo to start the fire and bring out the bowls.

Xiaoguo still had a lot of preparation work to do, so she made a simple meal.

After Zhuang Zhuang was done eating, Xiaoguo took out the imperial edict.

Zhuang Zhuang had never seen an imperial edict before, so he didn't know what it was. However, he didn't ask. He knew that his mother would tell him everything. All he had to do was wait and listen.

Xiaoguo explained everything in simple terms. Although Zhuang Zhuang couldn't understand completely, he roughly got the idea.

His grandparents would be sent back to the capital to rest in peace.

"Mother, will I be going with you?"

When Xiaoguo heard this, she nodded. "Yes, Zhuang Zhuang has to go too."