Hwang Hyunsik greets smiling widely as he enters the house followed by Hyunwoo.

Hwang Hyunsik greets smiling widely as he enters the house followed by Hyunwoo.

"What brings you here? We thought you wouldn't come until next week. You're already here earlier than expected." Woojin states confused.

Hwang Hyunsik laughs sheepishly. "Sorry. But my plane got delayed due to a storm and Hyunwoo told me that my sons are staying here. He said you're the closest thing they have to parents." he explains while chuckling. "Besides, I missed seeing my beautiful boys! And I have some news."

Woojin raises an eyebrow. "And...what news might that be?"

Hwang Hyunsik beams excitedly. "I got engaged!" he says. Both Hyunwoo and Woojin gasp shocked at the sudden news and congratulate him happily.

"Congratulations!" Woojin exclaims hugging him tightly. "Are you sure you can handle the wedding?"

Hyunwoo rolls his eyes playfully. "Don't worry mom, he's not going to kill anyone, I promise."

"Oh please, Hyunwoo. If you say so."

Hyunwoo ignores her comment and turns to his husband. "Anyways, let me introduce you to my fiancee. This is Kim Junsuh."Woojin turns to greet Junsuh, smiling brightly at him as if he was expecting him for a while now and he gives him a big hug. "Nice to meet you!" he greets.

"Hi. Nice to finally meet you too." Junsuh answers politely.

"Come on honey! Let's go to the backyard! We have cake there!" Seungwon says pulling Junsuh's arm.

"No cake first, please, I'm hungry."

Seungwon stops dragging his fiance to turn back to look at him. He pouts his lips slightly in annoyance and points at the living room. "Let's eat now, it's not safe to stay outside in the cold weather!"

Junsuh laughs at his son's reaction. "Okay okay, I'll hurry." he says running towards the living room.

As soon as the two men left the room, Woojin turns to Hyunwoo, "So are you really planning to marry Junsuh?" he asks curiously.

Hyunwoo smiles at the thought. "Yeah...he's very special to me." he admits.

"Well, if this is what you truly want, I won't stop you. Although he doesn't really seem that smart..." Woojin says laughing a little.

"Hey! I am smart!Why are you saying I'm not?" Junsuh yells from the living room.

"Of course, you are smart!" Seungwon shouts from the kitchen. "But you aren't smart enough to know how to fix a broken window or tie your shoes without slipping on them." he continues teasing his father.

"Shut up." Junsuh complains before looking back at Woojin. "I'm sorry, he really is a brat sometimes."

"That's what I thought. Anyway, you should tell him to learn how to tie his own shoes because he doesn't know how. It's not that difficult and I'm sure you'll be able to teach him if he just tries." he says chuckling a little.

"Well then, I'll definitely give it a try." he replies.

Woojin sighs and shakes his head, "Please don't let him hurt himself and you should definitely stop calling me mom, it makes me sound old." he teases and nudges him lightly. He turns back to the kitchen to see what his son is doing and is greeted by a burnt cake on the stovetop. Seungwon looks embarrassed and quickly turns off the stove before turning around, he smiles apologetically at Woojin who just laughs it off and tells him not to worry.

After they finish preparing their mealHyunwoo carries it over to the dining table while Woojin and Seungwon bring the tableware out to the table. They eat while talking about whatever comes to mind. Hyunwoo mentions the fact that he had a meeting scheduled with the school board regarding their upcoming project, Woojin informs him that he had planned a trip for the two of them to visit some family friends, and Seungwon talks about how he's been wanting to go to the beach ever since he heard about it. They're both pretty much immersed in their conversation, unaware of the time that passes by.

When the last bite of the cake is gone, Seungwon reaches for his empty plate and stands up from his seat, taking a few steps towards the sink, when a movement catches his attention. Looking in the direction where Seungwon is staring, he finds a black cat sitting on the windowsill staring right at him, its tail swishing lazily.

"What is this?" Seungwon asks pointing at the creature.

"That's Minho, I think it was sleeping in the tree when we got home yesterday evening. I couldn't wake him up after trying a couple times and it seemed so adorable, I just had to take care of it somehow so I guess we could keep it? Is that okay with you?"Hyunwoo asks, scratching the back of his neck with his hand nervously.

Seungwon smiles warmly at his fiance. "Yes, that's perfect." he agrees making Hyunwoo smile at the sight of the younger male being all sweet and gentle with him.

"Minho, come here! Come meet the baby!" Seungwon coos softly. He crouches down and extends his arms towards the cat. The cat slowly jumps down from the windowsill and walks towards Seungwon to sniff his finger, licking the skin before rubbing itself against his palm. Seungwon giggles when Minho proceeds to climb into his lap and purrs happily. Seungwon pets his head gently and scratches the back of his ears.

Hyunwoo watches the scene in amusement while wiping his mouth. "I think that's our new houseguest." he whispers, making Seungwon looks at him and frowning.

He stands up from his chair and walks toward the window where Hyunwoo is standing still watching the scene with his mouth hanging open and an amused expression. "It seems you made an impact, dad." Seungwon teases.

"You're right, it does seem like that." he nods agreeing with him. "Can I...hold him?" he asks hesitantly.
