Chapter 32

Cato was broken inside. The moment he saw the signum, his heart shattered. He thanks the gods for the rain because the tears would not stop flowing. He tucked the signum into the sack Eithne gave them. They had been running for a few hours.

“It will be dawn soon,” Boudicca yelled out over the howling wind. “We can rest then.”

Cato nodded in response, unsure of whether she could see him. He could barely make her out in the intensity of the storm. Just keep moving, he thought to himself. His legs began to ache with every stride, the muscles screaming for him to stop. Keeping up this breakneck speed was beginning to take its toll.

“I’m not sure I can keep going like this!” Cato shouted. “Haven’t we put enough distance between us?”

He felt a hand clasp his arm and pull him to a halt. The grip was gentle, and he turned to see Boudicca completely drenched. Her hair was wild, blown around by the ferocious winds.