Chapter 20: And in This Corner!

One time when I was riding the subway as a teen, I was looking out the window when I noticed a commotion happening down the car. I was huddled up into a seat with my sweatshirt stretched out over my knees to hide me as much as possible.

The group of men who were trying to get the attention of another sitting on the train, didn’t see me as I watched them. The man sitting in the seat didn’t move he looked up at the other men and then back down to the book that he had in his hands. One of the brutes knocked the book out of his hand.

I frowned watching the scene unfold. Another one of the gang yanked the man out of his seat. I didn’t know what to do but I felt the urge to run and help the man, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t fight I couldn’t do anything, so instead I got off the train at the next stop and didn’t look back.

That was before I trained, before I made myself into someone who could defend herself and others.