Chapter 21: Cat Fight

I had to say, I was dumbfounded. A panther cub? What the hell was he doing with a panther cub? How did he get a panther cub? All these questions swirled around in my head, but we didn’t have any time for them.

I looked around; every eye was on us. Even the small children who had been in background not paying attention were now standing at the edge of the room watching us. This didn’t seem like it would help us at all.

Ferrer though, he was mesmerized, he hadn’t taken his eye off the cub since Lonnie had taken it out of his bag.

“Where did you get him?” Ferrer asked, his tone was soft and predatory, all traces of the big ring master were gone as he leaned forward, his cane was on his lap, and he was turning the diamond on top with one hand.

“It doesn’t matter. Answer us. Let us go free, and he is all yours.” Lonnie said with his usual big grin.

This was a mistake, something in me was screaming that we all had to get out of there.