‘I was running again, I was running down the alley, somewhere in my mind I knew that this was dream, a dream that felt familiar at that. It didn’t stop me from running, from smelling the iron of all my blood as it oozed from different gashes in my body. I was running down the alley full of brick walls and I could hear the footfalls of wolves gaining on me as I groaned in pain and slammed myself against a wall, unable to run any further. My right hand was on my abdomen, I could feel it was slick with blood. I heard a whimper, and I thought it was coming from me, but I looked up and saw them coming around the corner. I saw them stalking towards me. They all moved in unison toward me. I could feel their rage from here. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them all I saw was Emerald green and flash of teeth before it all went dark.’