Chapter 33: Guess Who

It had to be at least an hour since Ferrer’s guard had left me in here, and I had made no progress. Instead, I was laying here and looking at the ceiling wondering what choices had led me to this moment. The head pain had increased, and I knew that couldn’t be good. My mother’s silver dress was covered in blood. I thought about her coming out in this dress, I remembered her looking beautiful. I knew I would never be able to get the blood out and the thought of it being ruined was making me more upset than my current predicament.

I sighed deeply and picked my head up, ignoring the dizzying feeling I had, and looked down at my bound hands. Frustrated I flopped back down, I needed to figure this out. Whether Wade showed up or not, I did not want to be here if Ferrer decided he wanted to see how his blade worked again.