Chapter 43: The Reunion


Azrel was falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. He knew he was dying.

“Anaya.” The voice spoke all around him desperately trying to lift him out of his descent. “You must reach her.”

Azrel knew the voice to be true but when he tried to rise to the surface of the darkness, he only sank further. Pain filled his body with every movement. When he sat still the pain dulled.

“I can’t,” he gasped. It was easier to die here; to sink and never wake up.

He would feel no pain. He would never lose anyone again.


Azrel reached up and he could feel Anaya was in trouble but still, further, he sank until his back hit something hard. He lay there unable to move.

“Brother, what are you doing here?”

Azrel whipped his head to the side and saw Nasacha kneeling near him. She had no veil covering her face and she was basked in a golden glow. She stood out from the darkness frowning at him.