Chapter 3: Shadows Into The Night

As Lazarus moves closer to Drusilla, his fangs get longer, his eyes are red, he starts to caress the back of her neck as she stands facing the opposite way, he moves his head towards the back of her neck, kissing her neck, she becomes in a trance for a moment, he ties to bite her, but suddenly he hears footsteps running and he becomes himself. Ambrosia was running into the dining room just when he was going to bite her. Drusilla, out of the trance he put her in turns around and does not realize what just might have happened. Lazarus backed away from her, Ambrosia and Talon are in the dining room with them.

Lazarus and his power took over Drusilla for a moment, she was suddenly lustful for him. She had no idea that he turned into a vampire and tried to turn her into one. They all stood in the dining room, Talon walks over to Drusilla and asks her if she likes the house, she told Talon that she did, and they will take it.

Talon pulls Lazarus aside and tells him that they will take the house and when he finds a job, he will start paying for it. Lazarus told him that he didn't want any money, he just wanted to help someone out. Talon insisted with him that he will pay him. It's late evening and Lazarus leaves.


Drusilla and Talon walk to the kitchen; they sit at the table and have coffee. Talon looks to Drusilla.

"Babe, can you believe this? This seems all unreal to me, I did not think the move would be this easy!" Talon said.

Drusilla replied, "I know, I did not either. I actually thought Lazarus wanted something from us."

"I know, I saw that you were frightened by him, but don't worry he's a good dude." Talon said.

"I guess you were right!" Drusilla replied.

"I will go out looking for a job again tomorrow. If I don't find one, I will ask Lazarus about the job he has lined up for me." Talon said.

Drusilla replied. "While you're out, I will take Ambrosia shopping with me, we need a few things."

"Sounds perfect babe. I love you with all of my heart!!" Talon said.

"I love you too!!" Drusilla replied.


Early the next morning Talon leaves to look for a job. Drusilla wakes up just after the sunrise, she takes her morning shower then has her coffee while she waits for Ambrosia to wake up. By the time Ambrosia got up it was early afternoon, Drusilla told her to get dressed that they are going shopping. Talon was still out looking for a job.


Drusilla and Ambrosia leave, they go to the market to pick up food for the house. They walk down each isle; Ambrosia picks up her favorite snacks and Drusilla picks up different kinds of food. They stop in the isle with all the cold drinks....

"Mommy can I get this juice?" Ambrosia asked.

"Of course, you can sweetie!" Drusilla replied.

While Drusilla puts milk, chocolate milk, and orange juice in the cart, she looks up and over towards the end of the isle and saw Lazarus. She thought that it was weird seeing him there, she and Ambrosia walked out of the isle and into the next isle and Lazarus is gone!! She stops for a minute and looks around...

"Mommy what's wrong?" Ambrosia asked.

Drusilla said, "Nothing hunny. Let's finish shopping."

As they finish shopping, Drusilla walks around with a suspicious look on her face. She thought she saw Lazarus. They finished their shopping, checked out and went back home. Ambrosia helps Drusilla bring in the bags of groceries, they set them on the floor to put away. Ambrosia goes to her room while Drusilla starts cooking dinner.

It's late afternoon, Talon finally gets home...He walks in the kitchen.

"Hey, babe, I'm back!" Talon said.

He gives her a kiss and a hug then asked how her day went. Drusilla tells him that they went shopping and bought groceries and they had a good afternoon. Drusilla asks him if he found a job, Talon tells her that he found a possible job and he put in his application for it, hoping that they will call him for an interview. Talon gets a shower while dinner finishes cooking, by the time he finishes his shower, dinner is done. Drusilla sets the dinner table then stands by the oven, Talon walks behind her and caresses her body, Drusilla lets out a moan and says to Talon.

"That feels so good!! Don't stop, I needed that!!"

"I won't babe, it's been a while since we made love!" Talon replied.

"It has been. After dinner let's do it!!" Drusilla said.

"I think I will take you up on that!!" Talon replied.

Ambrosia is called down for dinner, they all sit down and eat. A few minutes into dinner, they hear a knock at the front door. Talon and Drusilla look to each other and wonder who that could be, they don't know anyone except for Lazarus. Talon lets him in and offers him dinner, Lazarus accepts. He sits at the table with them.

"Are all of you enjoying the house?" Lazarus asks.

Talon replies, "Yes, we can't thank you enough!"

"Good!" Lazarus said.

Drusilla sits there with her eyes facing down while she eats her dinner.

"Did you find a job yet?" Lazarus asks talon.

"No. I put in one application, that's it." Talon replied.

"Well, how does this sound. I talked to my buddy, and he said he would like to hire you!" Lazarus said.

Talon sits there, looks to Lazarus with a surprised face.

"What!! Are you serious?" Talon asks.

"Yes. I will take you to his place and both of you can talk about the job." Lazarus replied.

"When should we go?" Talon asks.

"I'll take you there tomorrow afternoon." Lazarus said.

"I'll be ready. Talon replied.

"I must leave now." Lazarus said.

Lazarus leaves. Talon looks to Drusilla and tells her that he cannot believe what is happening, he just can't get over how nice Lazarus is to them. Drusilla just sits there shaking her head up and down. They finish their dinner; Drusilla washes the dishes while Talon watches TV in the living room.

**Drusilla walks into the living room, sits on the couch with Talon. They start making out, not long after that, they have sex. Both cannot believe how perfect their lives are since they moved to London. It all seems like a dream to them. They could not be any happier. They watch TV for a while then head to bed. Talon wants to get up early to do yard work. He wants to put in a pond with fish in it for Ambrosia.

The next morning Talon and Drusilla wake up at the same time. Talon tells her that he is going to the store to get a few things to start on the pond. Talon is the type of guy that can do most things, his parents raised him that way. He's a handyman around the house, and a welder at his job. While Talon is out, Drusilla cleans the house, does the laundry, and cleans the windows. As she wipes down the back window, looking out into the back yard where all the trees and bushes are, she sees the bushes moving. She pauses for a few minutes looking out of the window staring at the bushes, she saw them move again. She went outside to see what it could be. She is the type of person that isn't afraid of anything, but since she moved to London, mysterious things have been happening to her, so she was nervous about going back there to check it out.


She walked to the back of the house and stood by the patio; she heard a noise coming from the bushes, so she walked closer to them. She stood there for a few minutes and suddenly there was nothing, no noise and the bushes were not moving. She had a confused look on her face, as if she was going crazy. She shook her head back and forth then went back inside.


Talon gets back, Drusilla tells him that she thought she saw something in the bushes. He looked at her and told her that it was probably and animal. Drusilla just shrugs her shoulders. Talon waits for Lazarus to pick him up for the job. About an hour later, Lazarus picks him up, they leave. Drusilla has a weird feeling running through her body, she does not know quite what it is, just weird. She finishes the housework and about a half hour later Talon gets back and tells her that he starts his new job tonight. He must work the midnight shift for a while.

Talon works on the pond for a while then must get some sleep before work. He hasn't worked a midnight shift in years.

After they all have dinner, Talon tells Drusilla that he is going to get some rest before work. She gives him a kiss and a hug. He tells her to wake him up at 10:00 p.m. While he sleeps, Drusilla watches TV with Ambrosia. The time nears 10:00 and Drusilla tells Ambrosia that it is time for her to go to bed. Ambrosia heads to bed and Drusilla starts to wake Talon up. She shrugs him a few times and tells him it's 10:00 and he needs to get up. She shrugs him again and he wakes up. They both sit in bed cuddling for a few minutes before he must change for work. Talon changes and Drusilla walks down to the kitchen.


Talon meets her in the kitchen, she hands him his lunch that she packed.

"Her is your lunch that I made." Drusilla said.

Talon replied, "Thank you babe. I love you so much!"

"I love you, more than you will ever know!" Drusilla said.

Talon leaves the house and walks to the welding company, it is nearby. Drusilla stands on the porch and watches him as he leaves. She walks back into the house and sits in the living room watching TV. About an hour later, she starts yawning. Suddenly she hears another noise, this time it is coming from the front of the house near the small tree that sits on the side by the living room. It starts raining, so she does not go outside to see what the noise was, she opens the living room curtain and looks out, she can't see anything because the rain is coming down heavily. While she stands there, she hears the noise again.

The front door flew open, Lazarus quickly runs to the living room and picks Drusilla up. He carries her, holding her mouth shut. She cannot scream or do anything. Lazarus flies off with her. The vampire takes her to his castle. The shadows into the night were the shadows of the king vampire, Lazarus