Chapter 4: Vampire's Kiss

Lazarus takes Drusilla to his castle. Her mouth is still covered, he brings in into a dark room, the master bedroom of Lazarus's. She's in a trance, Lazarus lays her on his bed, it is a fancy bed with red and black sheets, there are two pillows at the top of the bed. Hanging on the ceiling is a chandelier with small candlesticks sitting in the round holders facing upwards. A nightlight sits on the end table that has a red cloth covering it. On the other side of the bed, you see a chair made of cold metal, it has red cushions, the curtains are red and closed, hanging from the windows.

While Drusilla lays there, Lazarus stands beside the bed looking at her, he bends down and starts to kiss her, he kisses her by the bite marks that he had made on her, he needs her blood to survive. The temptation that he has for her becomes lustful, he touches her breasts, his fangs start to come out, his nails start to grow, his desire for her becomes stronger. He seduces her into making love with him. She has no idea what he is doing to her, he turns her into a vampire. He starts sucking on her neck where he bit her. As he sucks on her neck, her neck starts dripping with blood. He drinks the blood from her to give him power. The venom from his fangs keeps her from struggling, she becomes unconscious.

Lazarus has manipulated her mind into believing she is over 300 years old; she has no memory of her past life; he has erased her memory. Drusilla is no longer a living human being. Lazarus is well over 350 years old, as he drinks her blood is gives him the power to feel young again.

The vampire from the undead keeps her hostage, when he finishes with her, he lays her in a coffin in the basement next to his. He keeps her in the coffin for his nightly feeding, he does not suck all her blood out of her, since he needs her to survive.

Talon gets home from work just before dawn, he notices the door is cracked open, he suddenly runs into the house because he instantly has a feeling that something happened. Drusilla would never leave the door open. When he walks to the living room, he sees a blanket laying on the floor, the chair is pushed up against the wall and can not find Drusilla. He runs upstairs to check on Ambrosia, she is sleeping in her bed. He wakes her up and asks her what had happened. Ambrosia tells him she doesn't know; she's been sleeping all night.

Talon does not tell her that her mom is missing, he doesn't want to frighten her. He must find out what happened first. He walks downstairs, makes a cup of coffee, and sits at the table. His chin rests on his hand, he tries to think of what could have happened. He will not go to sleep until he finds out where she is.

He sits in the kitchen for hours and hours. He dozes off since he has not slept since the day before. It is mid-afternoon and Ambrosia wakes up, she goes to the kitchen and finds her dad sleeping at the table, she shrugs him to wake him up...

"Daddy, wake up!" Ambrosia said.

Talon lifts his head off the table, looks to her and nods his head.

"I'm up." He says, groggily.

"Why are you sleeping at the table?" Ambrosia asks.

Talon replied, "I'm waiting on your mom to get home. I came home from work, and she wasn't here. I'm not sure where she is."

"Daddy, what do you mean, is she okay, what happened to mommy." Ambrosia asks.

Ambrosia starts crying, he gives her a hug and reassures her that everything will be okay! He Tells her to go upstairs and get dressed, they must go to the police station.


A half hour later Ambrosia and Talon drive to the police station. They walk in and talks to the officer at the front desk. Ambrosia stands to his side while he explains to the officer that he thinks something bad has happened to his wife and that she is missing. The officer just sits there listening to him, he barely says anything to Talon.... Talon stands at the desk with his hands on his hips.

"Well, aren't you going to say anything?" Talon said.

"I took down your information and what your wife looks like, I'll have my detectives on this case." The officer replied.

"I want to know who these detectives are, I want to know every move they make to find her, I want her found now!!" Talon yelled.

"Sir, we will do everything that we can to find your wife." The officer replied.

Talon and Ambrosia leave the police station. They walk outside.

"Don't worry baby, I will find your mother!" Talon said.

Ambrosia replied, "I know you will daddy, I'll help you too."


Talon and Ambrosia walk around town with hopes of finding Drusilla, the love he has for her will not keep him from finding her. They walk for hours and hours and can not find a single clue as to what might have happened to her. Ambrosia is tired of walking, she starts crying again, Talon holds her hand and reassures her again, that he will find her mom. It's just before dark and they walk home, they are nearing their house and Talon sees Lazarus standing on the corner of the sidewalk. Once they get close to him, they stop, Talon asks him if he had seen Drusilla, Lazarus tells him he hasn't and then asks him why he was asking him that. Talon tells him that she is missing, and no one can find her, he had gone to the police, and they said they will look for her. Lazarus just stares at him, as if he does not care. Immediately Talon thought that was suspicious of him to do because of what Lazarus had done for them. Lazarus walks away.

Talon does not try to stop him because Ambrosia is with him, and he does not want her to worry anymore than she is.

"Come on hunny, lets keep walking home, we are almost there." Talon said to Ambrosia.

The rest of the way home Talon kept hoping that Drusilla was home. He was praying that he would find her in the kitchen and see her beautiful face sitting at the table.


When they get home, he instantly knew she was not there, the house was dark, no lights on, if she was home there would be lights on. He felt saddened and had tears in his eyes, he had to wipe the tears quickly, so Ambrosia would not see him cry. When they walked into the house, Ambrosia ran upstairs and went to bed. Talon went into the living room and sat on the couch. He started to whimper then started to cry heavily, all he thinks is that he should have never taken the midnight position, if he hadn't this would have never happened, and Drusilla would be home with them. His mind is racing as to what happened, he falls asleep.

The next morning when he wakes up, he calls the police station, he demands to talk to the officer that took his report, the officer picks up the phone and Talon yells over the phone, demanding him to give him the names of the detectives that are working on the case. The officer tells him their names are, Detective Glenda Cook and Mark Harrison. Then he asks the officer if they had found anything out, the officer told him that they haven't. Talon slams down the phone, he sits on the couch, still praying that Drusilla walks in the door at any minute.

Talon does not know that the officer gave him fake names of the detectives. The officer in fact, did not report Drusilla missing or talk to any detective. The officer seemed to be leery as he was talking to Talon at the station, Talon just blew it off because of Ambrosia being there. He couldn't let her find out that he had those feelings about the officer.

The phone rings, Talon runs to it and picks it up.

"Drusilla is it you." He answers.

"Hello, hello, babe. If this is, you please answer me!"

On the other end of the phone, no one speaks, it's silent in the background.

Talon yells, "Who is this!! What do you want? Do you have my wife?"

He hears a click, on the other end of the phone. Whoever that was hung up on him. After he hung up the phone, he stands there with an angry face, shaking his head back and forth then immediately calls the officer. He calls and lets the phone ring ten times, no one picks up the phone at the station.

Talon is more suspicious than ever, he wonders what the hell is going on, there must be someone to answer the phone at the station. He goes up to Ambrosia's room and wakes her up. He tells her that they must go to the police station. Ambrosia gets out of bed and gets dressed. They left the house in a hurry and went to the station.


They stood outside the front door looking in, there is no one there, there are no lights on, the front door is locked... He looks in the side window to see if he could see the officer, he can't tell if anyone is there for how dark the station is. Ambrosia walked around to the side of the building, she looked in the side window and saw something moving, she yelled out to Talon. Talon walked over to where she was standing, she told him that she saw something moving in there, but she couldn't see what it was. Talon grabs her hand, they walk back to the front door, he looks in and sees a shadow....