Chapter 5: The Shadows of Darkness

Talon tells Ambrosia to step back, he's going to break the glass on the front door to get into the station. Ambrosia steps back, Talon breaks the glass with his hand, his blood runs from his hand, he reaches in and unlocks the door. He grabs Ambrosia's hand and they both walk in, she walks close to him, it's very dark inside, they don't have a flashlight to see anything. They walk around the police station, slowly, as Talon walks near the officer's desk that he had talked too, he sees two yellowish eyes, then suddenly something flew over his head and out of the broken glass window. Talon turned his head quickly and could not see what it was.

Ambrosia said, "Daddy what was that?"

Talon replied, "I don't know sweetie, probably just a bat or something." Let's get out of here, there is nothing here."


Talon and Ambrosia walk back to their house, when they get their Ambrosia goes straight up to her room, and Talon sits on the couch. They are depressed about the disappearance of Drusilla, talon starts to cry again, he remembers the last time they sat on the couch, they made love. All he could do was sit there and think about what happened, he was determined to find out. He kept thinking about the memories they shared, their love for each other, she's been missing for two days now, and it seems as though no one wants to help him look for her. He is so exhausted that he falls asleep.


Late that night, Lazarus goes out into the darkness, he needs human blood to keep Drusilla young and sexy. He flies into the sky searching for a female human to bite, as he nears the town he floats down from the sky to the ground. He starts walking the streets, no one is out, not a single soul, he starts to panic knowing that if he can't find a younger female for blood, Drusilla will start to age quickly. The only house that he could go in is his own, the house that he gave Drusilla and Talon. The only way that he could go into another's house is to be invited.

He walks further into town, the streets are bare then suddenly out of nowhere a woman stumbles out from a building, Lazarus sees her and starts walking quickly, she hears footsteps behind her, she turns around, but does not see anything, she walks a little further and she sees a shadow against one of the buildings. She turned around again, and nothing is behind her, as she walks further down the road, she turns and walks through the park that leads to her house. Lazarus still follows her. As she walks through the park trees, she hears footsteps again, she turns around, stands there and Lazarus is behind her, his skin is pale white, his eyes are bloodshot red with a glow, and his fangs are out. She starts running through the park, Lazarus flies to her, he floats down in front of her and stares at her. She stands there in shock, she could not believe that a vampire is standing in front of her. She tries to run off, but Lazarus picks her up, carries her in his arms and flies back to his castle with her.


He flew through his bedroom window that's always left open, she screams loudly, he covers her mouth with his hand, he lays her on his bed and stares into her eyes putting her into a trance. She falls deep into his trance and passes out. Lazarus keeps her there for Drusilla's feeding. Moments later a young male, in his 20's walks into Lazarus's bedroom and sees the woman laying there, he walks closer to her, his fangs started to come out, he stands above her and leans in towards her, he is Lazarus's son, Nikolas. He must bite her neck for his feeding, but there is a force that holds him back, Lazarus stands there, looks to him.

"Bite her my son." Lazarus said.

"I can't!! I can't do this!" Nikolas replied.

"Go ahead son, bite her neck, suck her blood." Lazarus said.

Nikolas leans closer to the woman; he stops when he gets close to her neck.

"Dad I can't, I just can't do this." Nikolas said.

"Yes, you can son, just do it, do it now, I demand you!" Lazarus replied.

Nikolas cannot bite the woman; he suddenly runs off down to his coffin. Lazarus stands there angrily then walks to the basement where his shrine of coffins is. He opens Nikolas's coffin and finds him asleep; he must not disturb him. He walks over to Drusilla's coffin, opens it up and finds her still sleeping, her face is wrinkled, her hair is white, her face is pale. Drusilla has aged she is not her sexy self as she once was, Lazarus looks at her and knows that she must awake soon for her feeding before she dies. He needs her to stay young and sexy for him.


Talon and Ambrosia keep searching for Drusilla, they search for her by themselves since the police aren't making ant efforts too. Both start to become more depressed because they have not found one clue to lead them to the disappearance of Drusilla. Talon can't go to work, Ambrosia stays in her room, the only time they sit together is when they have dinner. They will not give up looking for her, they know that there must be some type of clue as to what happened and they know they will find it, no matter how long it takes.

They search day and night everyday for the next year. Talon is running out of money and Ambrosia must go back to school. Their life becomes in shambles and Talon must figure out what he needs to do to save them. One night at dinner Talon decides to have a talk with Ambrosia.

"Ambrosia, I have to go back to work, we are running out of money." Talon said to Ambrosia.

"I know daddy, it's okay I understand." Ambrosia replied.

"I just want you to go back to school and enjoy your life." Talon said.

"I'll try, I miss mommy." Ambrosia said.

"I know you do, and I do too, but as of right now there is nothing more that we can do." Talon replied.

"Are you going to give up, are you going to give up looking for her?" Ambrosia asked.

"Oh no hunny, I will never do that! I just need to go back to work for money." Talon said.

Talon and Ambrosia sat there and ate their dinner, After Ambrosia finished, she went to get her shower and get ready for school the next morning. Talon will start work in the morning, after Ambrosia leaves for school since he cannot leave Ambrosia alone at night. The next morning is like a hurricane, Ambrosia wakes up late, Talon wakes up late, they need to get use to this new schedule. Ambrosia gets ready for school; she has a bite to eat and needs to catch the bus. Talon sees her off to school then he gets ready to go to work.


Talon gets to work, he walks in and a few of the employees just stare at him, he stares back and shakes his head, he wonders why they are staring at him. Talon walks to his area where he is going to work, one employee comes up to him and pats him on the back.

The employee said, "sorry to hear about what happened to your wife."

Talon replied, "Thanks!"

"If you need anything let me know, I'll help." The employee said.

Talon just stood there and nodded his head up and down. The employee walked back to his area and Talon started welding. His eight-hour shift flew by, he clocked out and walked home. On his way home he was hoping to find something that would lead him to Drusilla's disappearance, but he did not find anything.


Talon walks in his front door and stands there, suddenly he had a flashback as to when he would get home from work and Drusilla would be there greeting him, she would give him a hug and a kiss then ask how his day went. He has tears in his eyes. He must find her soon; he thinks to himself. Ambrosia is not back from school yet, so he gets a quick shower then starts dinner. About a half hour later Ambrosia gets home, Talon asks her how her day went, and all Ambrosia could say was that it went well. Ambrosia did not want to tell him that she had a bad day because she knows her dad is trying his best to keep her happy.

While eating dinner, Talon looks threw the kitchen window, he sees some sort of a shadow that went by, he walks over to the window, looks out and does not see anything. He sits back down at the table because he does not want Ambrosia to get scared.