Chapter 7: Seduction

Talon orders another drink, as Clara walks to the cooler, Talon stares at her sexy, curvy body. Clara knows she's sexy, so she usually wears a tight shirt with a V-neck that shows the top of her breasts, and she wears tight leggings that show off her round petite butt. Clara is the towns sexiest bartender, she talks to everyone that comes into the bar, she's very friendly with all the men and likes to be flirtatious. She's single and she keeps it that way. All the men are attracted to her, her straight, blonde hair lays just passed her shoulders.

Clara walks back over to Talon and sets his drink in front of him, she gives him a sexy wink. She rests her elbows on the top of the bar, she leans in and rests her chin on her hands, her breasts are showing, Talon could not help starring at them. He started to get aroused, but he fought those feelings, he started thinking about the sex he had with Drusilla and could not do anything with another woman. Lazarus looks to Clara, she looks over to him, he nods his head up and down and gives her a wink. Lazarus leaves.

Clara flirts with Talon through her eyes. He knows she's flirting with him, but he can't make a move on her, even though he would like too, he just can't because his search for Drusilla continues.

"Well, I must go now. Good talking with you." Talon said.

"Wait! My shift is over, I'll walk with you." Clara replied.


Talon and Clara walk to his home, on the way there they pass a field filled with trees and bushes, Clara looks to the field, Lazarus is standing between two of the bigger trees, she looks to him and he nods his head up and down slowly. He vanishes quickly, Talon does not see Lazarus, only Clara does.


They get to his house, and they stand on his porch, Clara leans in towards him and tries to kiss him, he does not kiss her back, he gives her a small shove off him. Clara looks to him.

"Why did you do that?" Clara said.

"I can't kiss you; I am married." Talon replied.

"Oh, come on, just kiss me." Clara said.

"No, I will not do this to my wife, I love her very much." Talon replied.

Talon wasn't mad at Clara he just couldn't cheat on his wife. He didn't mention to her that she is missing, in his heart he knows he will find her someday. Clara steps back, Talon assures her that it has nothing to do with her, that he just will not cheat on his wife. Clara runs off.


Talon lays on the couch starring up at the ceiling, he starts to cry. He yells out, "Why! Why! Where are you, Drusilla! I need you." Ambrosia heard him and stood on the top step crying. She feels so bad that she can't help her father. Both of their hearts are shattered. Ambrosia runs to her bedroom, lays in her bed, and cries herself to sleep. Talon falls asleep on the couch again; he will not sleep in the bed until Drusilla is home.

The next day instead of going to work, Talon decides to go back to the bar. When he gets to the bar Clara is working, he sits at the bar and calls her over to him.

"Clara, I am sorry for last night. I just love my wife too much to cheat on her." Talon said.

"It's okay. I understand, I really do." Clara replied.

"Thank you for understanding. I think you're a beautiful lady. I just need my wife back!" Talon said.

"What do you mean you need her back?" Clara replied.

"She's been missing for about a month now. No one can find her." Talon said sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear of this." Clara replied.

Clara did not seem too surprised at what Talon just told her. It was like she already knew she was missing, and she already knew where she was being held. But she did not let it seem obvious to Talon. Clara told him to give her a picture of her and she would keep an eye out for her. Talon gives her the picture, Clara glances at it and tells him that she is a beautiful woman. Talon walks over to the juke box and plays Drusilla's favorite song, he starts crying, Clara sees that he is, she walks over to him and gives him a hug. She squeezes him tightly; he hugs her back. She presses her breasts on his chest, for a moment he liked the feeling of a woman's breasts touching him. Talon pulls away from her and tells her that he is going home.


It's late afternoon and Talon starts cooking dinner. Ambrosia will be home from school in one hour. When Ambrosia walks into the house, she walks to the kitchen and Talon has the table set with their dinner ready. Ambrosia sits at her chair.

"Daddy, I wish mommy was here." Ambrosia said.

"I know you do and so do I hunny." Talon replied.

"Will we ever find her?" Ambrosia asked.

"I will not stop looking until we do. Let's each dinner now." How about after dinner we watch a movie?" Talon said.

"Let's do it dad." Ambrosia replied.


After they finished dinner Ambrosia went up to take a shower. Talon cleaned the kitchen and went to the living room and sat on the couch, waiting on Ambrosia. When Ambrosia finished with her shower, she ran downstairs to the living room in excitement. She sits beside Talon, and they find a movie to watch. An hour through the movie Ambrosia falls asleep, Talon picks her up and carries her to bed. Talon sits back on the couch and finishes the movie, suddenly he hears noises near the living room window, he stands by the window looking out, all he sees are the bushes flowing back and forth. His back is towards the window and out of the corner of his eyes he sees a shadow by the window, he turns around quickly, Clara is starring at him. He pulls the window up higher and grabs Clara and pulls her into the living room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Talon asks.

"I just can't stay away from you." Clara replied.

"You need to leave me alone; my daughter is sleeping upstairs!" Talon said.

Clara replied, "I love you Talon. I won't stay away from you, I need you."

Clara grabs ahold of his arms, she pulls him close to her, she stares deep into his eyes, he becomes mesmerized by her glowing yellow pupils.