Chapter 8: The Vampire's Spell

Clara and her infatuation for Talon becomes obsession for him. While she has him mesmerized, she kisses him, he kisser her back since he's under some kind of spell from her. As they are making out, Ambrosia turns the living room light on, Talon suddenly turns around and sees Ambrosia through the window. He pushes Clara off him, he looks to her with a confused look and tells her she must leave. Clara vanishes, quickly. Talon stood there for a minute and becomes suspicious of Clara and her actions.


Ambrosia stood there starring at her father, she couldn't believe what she had saw.

Ambrosia asked, "Daddy what were you and that lady doing!?"

Talon replied, "My dear, that lady had me in spell, there is something very weird going on in this town. I could not help myself when she was kissing me."

"Dad, stop lying, you were kissing her back!" Ambrosia said.

"Ambrosia, I am serious, I could not get away from her!" Talon replied.

"Who is she and what was she doing here though?" Ambrosia asked.

"Her name is Clara and I thought that she was going to help us find your mother! I guess she isn't. Talon said.

Talon assured Ambrosia that everything is going to be okay and told her to go up to bed, it's late and she has school in the morning.


Talon and Ambrosia sit at the kitchen table in silence, Ambrosia doesn't know what to say to Talon, she still feels weird about the situation and Talon doesn't say anything. After they finish eating, Talon sees her off to school. Talon sits back down at the table and thinks about what he needs to do about Clara. Talon already suspects that something weird is going on, but he can't quite put the pieces together. He rattles his brain for hours up on hours, then decides to go to the bar where Clara works.


When he gets to the bar, there are no lights on and when he tries to open the door it is locked. No, he is more suspicious than ever. He knows that the bar is always open, and Clara is working. He stands there for a few minutes thinking where Clara would be. It starts to storm, the rain is coming down profusely, it begins to start lightening with loud thunder, so he stands under the top of the bar, wondering if he should just leave or stay there, maybe Clara would show up. He stayed there for another hour, it is still storming, but he left anyway.


Talon walks around town hoping to see Clara somewhere. As he walks through the town, he becomes very confused, there is no one around, he does not see a single soul, by this time he is soaking wet, muddy, his shoes are feeling heavy. He stops and sits on the bench by the park, he becomes tired and keeps dozing off. He tries t fight himself dozing off, but he can't, he fell asleep.


Ambrosia gets home from school; she walks into the house and Talon is no where there. She instantly starts to cry because she thinks of when her mother disappeared. She has no idea as to where her father would be. She knows that he is always home when she gets home from school. She runs upstairs to her bedroom, lays in bed and sobs. She thinks to herself that she must find her father, she can not live without both of her parents, so she instantly stops sobbing and leaves the house.


She starts walking around her neighborhood in the storm, she doesn't care because she must find him soon. She can't even ask anyone if they had seen him because everything is pitch dark, their houses, the storm is making it dark also.


As Talon sleeps on the park bench, Clara appears behind him, she wraps her hand around his mouth and ties his wrists to the sides of the bench. She wakes Talon up, he tries to jump but he can't because of his hands being tied down, he can't talk since his mouth is covered. Clara looks in his eyes.

"Talon I love you and you are going to be with me no matter what!" Clara said.

Talon can't say anything because she has his mouth covered.

"I hate to do this to you, but I must do it to keep you with me and no one else." Clara said.

All Talon can do is look at her eyes, they are becoming a pinkish red, his eyes become wide open, his face has a scared look to it. He pushes his knee into her vagina, she crunches down from the pain, he can't stand up and run off because his hands are still tied down.

Talon yells. "What the hell are you doing to me. Let me go, please. I'll do anything you want."

Clara replies. "Oh no. That's not how this is going to work, and do you think that I am dumb to let you go?"

"No, I don't think that you are dumb. Please let me go, I have to go to my daughter." Talon said.

Clara does not let him leave, she will have him to herself one way or another. Her fangs start to pop through, Talon can not believe what is happening.

"Please don't do this to me, please, I need to take care of my daughter! Talon said.

Clara does not care what he is saying to her. She kisses him with passion, but he does not kiss her back. She starts to rub his back while she moves further down to his neck. Suddenly! She hears noises coming from the bushes, like someone is running towards them. She stops kissing him, looks up and its Ambrosia. Ambrosia stops quickly, looks to both and walks closer. Clara uses her power to knock out Talon, he falls over and can't move. Ambrosia tries to run off, but Clara catches her and swings her hand to her face, and she knocks her out.

Clara leaves. Talon and Ambrosia are both knocked out. Clara used her vampire's power to keep them knocked out until she could tell Lazarus.

It was then, Talon and Ambrosia's life passed right by them. Who knows when they will awaken or will they?