Chapter 39: Homecoming

The estate for the European vampire kingdom was built into a mountainside, overhanging the treacherous northern seas. It was at least the size of King Hotaru’s estate and filled with the same number of vampires and familiars – those that lived there and those that worked as feeders, soldiers, and servants.

Emilia stood outside the stone gate, staring up at her former home. The protective wall had giant bowl torches lit at intervals of 10-20 feet across the wall. A soldier stood at each one.

“Will they let you through the front gate?” Tommy asked.

“We’re not going to try. Amun was confident enough in his control over me that he showed me a few secret passageways. It was how I escaped and it is how we will sneak back in,” she said, smirking.

“Lead the way,” he said, holding his arm out.