ch 21- Meant to lose

Bala's POV-

Why is this happening? I can't even stop my own family from fighting. I expected more from Kiara. She was supposed to be the one to look out for Mirik as the elder sister. With this old man stopping me from doing anything I can only spectate and hope the fight ends before something big happens. Father was right.....this chain only brings destruction.

Kiara was pointing her spear toward Mirik while taking out laces from his shoes and throwing the shoes away. He signaled to Kiara to wait a bit. She just scoffed. She had to give him time as the fight was going on in front of the crowd and she was the one who had initiated it. Furthermore, she had a weapon so she had to give him some time. Mirik walked to one of the stalls where the fishes were being sold.

"Hey can I borrow these knives?" he asked the owner of the stall. The owner hesitated. Mirik also looked a bit perplexed.

"Nevermind, I would like to have two fishes," Mirik said while handing him the money.

"Do you want me to cut it for you?" the stall owner asked.

"No... it's not for eating." Mirik replied while tying the fishes to one end of both of his shoelaces. He moved them around like nunchucks and walked towards Kiara. She was not happy with his display. Was he going to use this as a weapon? The same question was going into everyone's minds.

"Now come," he said while taking a stance.

Kiara responded to his provocation by running toward him. She jumped at the last moment and used the jumping momentum to stab at him with full force. Mirik dodged to the side and countered with his fish weapon.


The sound was heard by everyone present. The fish had met Kiara's face making her slide across the ground due to the heavy impact. Now I understood why he didn't choose the knives. He was worried that he might kill Kiara in the process.

Kiara stood up with her hair covering her face. The scrunchie she used before was gone. No, it was torn apart. She ran back towards Mirik and attacked with a downward slash. He got out of her range before it could even reach and used the fish again.


She was hit again on the face but this time it didn't even make her budge a bit. She attacked him again with a forward stab which he avoided narrowly. Mirik couldn't believe that his fish didn't do any damage. Kiara started her relentless attacks on Mirik without any stops. Mirik now had no time to counter and solely put his effort into dodging.

A blackish red trail started to come out of Kiara's attacks. Mirik also noticed this but he also noticed something else. The eyes of Kiara had gone red, all red there was no other color. For the first time, Mirik looked a bit terrified.

I too was terrified when I saw her in that form. Whenever she is in extreme anger her eyes just go fully red. Mother had told me that it was due to my father's bloodline. But it was chaos when she turned into this form and after she got to know that being angry makes her powerful she started to get angry without any reason too. She became infatuated with her father. He used to come like two times a year, but whenever he came she would not leave her alone.

She loved him too much. I don't know why Mirik has that chain but I can guess... A Diman only passes this chain when either he wants to retire or he is dead. I need to ask Mirik after this fight.

The fight continued with Kiara getting the upper hand. Her spear was now started to scratch Mirik's body. His clothes became ripped and blood was starting to show up from his wounds. It was starting to get nasty.

The next attack from Kiara sliced the fish into two halves. Mirik was a bit surprised and she used this opportunity to kick him away.

The kick was strong and made Mirik cough up blood.

"Give the chain and you might live," Kiara announced.

"What? Even after giving you the chain I am not given full security of living? You kidding." Mirik said while coughing up blood. Kiara just waited for his answer. Mirik stopped coughing and looked straight into her red eyes.
