ch 22- Meant to lose 2

Bala's POV-

What is Mirik doing? I understand that he wants to hold onto the chain to protect Kiara but she might kill him in this state. She will not even blink an eye even if it was me.

"Just let it go. You moron!" I shouted from my position. There was a slim chance that Mirik was going to heed my advice but I had to take my chances. I saw that the old chief was also looking carefully at the fight and not me. This was the opportunity or so I thought.

Just when I took the step his aura increased on me. His pressure could only be felt by me as he was focusing on me and not other people. But that slight window was enough for me. I took a step forward and in less than a second, I was in front of the chief. A blackish blue trail followed my path.

From childhood I was mediocre. People laughed at me and belittled me. Even my own sister used to look down on me. I was the outcast because of being normal. I studied the books of science, mathematics, philosophy everything I could find just to get good at something other people weren't. People in the village weren't literate enough. They just knew the basic that was taught to them. Only a few could write their name and only the chief me and my mother could call ourselves educated.

But I took it a step further. Using the money I earned by doing small jobs I would buy books from the merchants. I cleared the university level education when I was 12 until I awakened something in me. If Kiara had acquired her anger from the father's bloodline I acquired lightning from my mother's lineage. I still couldn't manifest a spirit for myself but I have gotten a hold of the workings. A month or so and I will be able to manifest a spirit.

I am so close to achieving it that now I can even use lightning to increase my reflexes by charging my neurons. Fighting with anybody was a piece of cake for me. With the help of my knowledge, I will be able to do things unimaginable to even the greatest of minds with my knowledge.

Funnily enough, the man I was going against was also a master of lightning. It was expected as he was my grandfather but his applications were not as subtle as mine.

The chief when he saw me disappearing from his place just stomped on the ground. The ground below me melted making me lose my footing. He used his lightning manifestation in simple ways. The first was to electrocute people and the second to raise the temperature. A single strike of lightning can heat the surrounding temperatures comparable to the sun but the duration is not long enough for any major change. But when he manifests his spirit he can hold that energy for a bit longer than a normal strike of lightning which results in things like melting objects into an easy task.

I quickly got up and was about to throw a punch when he suddenly smiled.

"Looks like the fight is over." he pointed behind me.

I turned to look and saw Mirik in his previous position but something was wrong. His body was limp and the whites of his eyes could be seen. How did something like this happen in less than a second? Did Kiara really kill him? I ran to his side to check on him. He was still alive but the chain on his neck was vibrating like crazy. I picked him up and called for a horse-ridden carriage, I had to take him to the hospital.

But before I could go Kiara grabbed the chain from his neck and looked at it lovingly.

"At last you are mine," she said while wearing the chain. I wanted to say something but it might be too late for him if I wasted any more time here.

"Where are you taking him?" the chief said in a menacing tone. I looked at him in anger.

"He is just a kid. He has nothing to do with your revenge. You think mother would be happy seeing her nephew die?" I asked the chief which soothed his anger a bit. Mentioning mother was the best tool against this old man.

"But he should not leave the village...I think you understand," he said.