ch 60- Anything for you 2

Rabon Fooz (in king's body) POV-

We reached the kingdom with a grand entrance. Everybody in the city was looking at our golden carrier with wide eyes. I didn't know how to feel as we were going to meet my wife's father. I had a feeling that I would not be welcomed by him. I a normal man had married a woman of such high status, there was bound to be trouble.

But I was proved wrong as the old king happily accepted me with open arms. He cried while holding our daughter. Even my wife was shocked by this reaction. Her mother had died when she was a child and his father had remarried. She had a stepbrother too, who was also over excited about her return. It felt weird but maybe it was my imagination after all I was an orphan.

Her father's health was slowly deteriorating, he only had a few days left. One day he called me into his room with our daughter as my wife had taken the seat of the queen and was busy. He asked me how I met her, how we fell in love, and all the things regarding her. He gave me a feeling of a concerned father which raised the question of why would he exile his own daughter. Before leaving he said to me something.

"I think she has made a great choice. But let me give you a piece of advice..... Don't believe anything... Even your own hand. " I didn't understand but I left his room.

Soon after the king died. I felt a bit bad but we were not close enough to make me cry. But after his death, I was crowned as the king as I was the husband of the queen. I felt giddy from inside but it soon died down when I saw the ministers in the kingdom didn't like me at all. Specifically her stepbrother.

Some time went by like this but soon I won the ministers by showing them my prowess with the sword. Everything was going fine when one day it all changed.

I was invited by some of the ministers to go for some hunting. Me thinking that it was just the normal thing in the kingdom went ahead without any hesitation. We returned in the evening and I went to the office where my wife was. Two guards were guarding the door.

I opened the door. The room was dark. But there was a faint smell of something... Something I was very familiar with... Blood.

I ran inside shouting at the guards to light the torches in the room. I saw a figure lying on the floor in the dark.

My steps slowed down. My heart started beating faster. In the background, the guards were lighting the torches.

It was then that I saw my wife. On the floor with her eyes open, dry tear marks ran down her cheeks. Her throat slit open as she drowned in her own pool of blood. Clothes were torn apart, and bites and scratches were all over her tender body.

I dropped down to my knees as her eyes kept staring at me, asking a question. Where were you?

I tried touching her. Her body was cold and stiff, all warmth drained of a beautiful life. For the first time in my life tears fell down my eyes as I was sitting stunned there. I used my robe to cover her body with my trembling hands.

Air felt hard to swallow. My breaths became shorter and shorter till I finally screamed like a mad man.