ch 61- Anything for you 3

Rabon Fooz (in king's body) POV-

The next day we were going to the throne room with all the ministers. There was dead silence in the room. I had told my daughter's nanny to take care of her from now on as I would get busy. I looked at all the faces of the ministers. They all had heads held down with embarrassment. The two guards who were meant to protect her were sent to prison until further notice.

I sat on the throne massaging my forehead. The old fond memories of her were coming to my mind. I wanted to run away from this dreaded place. But I had a responsibility now, my daughter and all the citizens. From the time I entered this room, I was keeping something inside me and I knew that now was the time to come out.

"You are wearing awfully long clothes in summer. Even your neck is covered. Is it that cold here? " I asked the stepbrother who didn't even faze by my statement.

"Who gave you the authority to ask me questions? " He replied in an angry


"I found some strands of red hair last night. They won't be yours, would they? " I asked again. This time looking straight into his eyes.

"Maybe she liked me more than his husband. We did have some fun in the past." He said with arrogance. I was always asking this question why did her father exile her? It was because of this guy.

"With all due respect, you were king only because of our queen. Now that she has passed away I suggest you get down from the throne and let the prince take your place. " Said one of the ministers who had accompanied me on the hunt the day before.

"Hmm... Who else thinks that I should step down? If the majority agrees I will. " I asked as one by one people slowly started raising their hands. The stepbrother started grinning as he saw me looking down in disappointment.

"So you have chosen. " I said as I held my sword. I reached the first person who raises his hand and bisected him into two pieces. It s the first time I had killed a human being but it didn't feel disgusting or sickening, it felt like chopping a tree.

Everybody there looked panicked. The brother tried to flee. He started running only to fall down. When he looked back he saw his legs chopped off.

"You are not going anywhere. " I said as I started the bloodbath killing everyone in the room. After sending everyone to hell I grabbed the prince and took him to his room.

The guards tried to stop me but it was futile. They were just asking for death. Those who understood this backed away. I ordered one of the guards to bring a rope for me as I dragged the body of the prince to his room. He looked frightened and begged for his life. I picked up the bottle of alcohol he had in his room and made him forcefully drink it.

I didn't know why but I started thinking like a shrewd human being from nowhere. Do circumstances change someone this much? What I was going to do next was something I wouldn't have thought of doing just the day before. But I had lost all my emotions now nothing was too far-fetched for me.

I called the personal maid of the prince and made her tie his hands and put a cloth in his mouth. She was afraid of me but she was more afraid of doing these things to the prince. I chuckled inside thinking about tomorrow.