Chapter 39

Fiona fully opened the door motioning for him to enter. The rest of the Coven backed up cautiously as he walked slowly but confidently into the room. He stopped in the center, looking around in amusement. He loved having us on edge, keeping us guessing what his next move would be. His eyes stopped on Carson and I. He looked at Gavin and then back at us.

“So, this is where you have been hiding?” he smirked. “I must say I am surprised, it’s not a very masculine move, seeking safety under the skirt of a witch? Pathetic.” He snickered. A low growl rose from deep with inside Carson but he didn’t say a word.

Fiona slowly approached Deacon “This Coven does not condone the behaviors of these two irresponsible children. And we would never give safe haven to a culpable wolf.” She stated. He ignored her, he wasn’t interested in discussing Carson’s escape or where he had been the past day. He was here for so much more. She just didn’t realize it yet.