Crowe Morningstar - Fallen Iza

Watching the entertained Iza munching on a few sausages and eggs I'd prepared just in case I got hungry, I couldn't help but stare. 

One minute she's a killer. The next, she's a little girl eating her gut full. Playing with Ves and me as if nothing had happened. And while her actions were very much justified, Iza's change was quick. Too quick. 

No one just becomes a killer or torturer. For me, I was forced to. I was in a life-and-death situation that required me to blast my opponent's head open. There was no room to even think. It took months to recover: Months I didn't have as my Father sent me on more missions that required me to kill. 

By the time I managed to stop myself from caring, over two months had passed. It's been barely a week for Iza!