Trial of Fate I

Nibbling away at the curry bun Crowe had prepared, I melted as time continued. Losing any drive to improve, I spent the day wandering around the small camp, exploring the various cultures around me.

The dwarves spent most of their time tinkering with the runes and weapons around them. There wasn't much forging due to a lack of a forge, but dozens of Lordlings and commoners were hurrying to them to get their equipment adjusted.

The elves seemed far more relaxed in this manner as they stood near the border of the forest, enjoying themselves. Toying with wine or cultivating in with the elements around. They were also one of the few races that didn't hate me. But showed love and understanding. 

I hadn't noticed it at first, but Elves and Dwarves hated one another, as did humans and Elves. Same with Gnomes and Dwarves. Everyone was divided into what appeared like fractions.