Chapter 10: Exam

*In the staff room at UA*

Nezu: He seems to always have another surprise left right after we think we've seen everything.

Aizawa: His first quirk seems to be versatile. Attack and healing, He could very well protect civilians while fighting a villain. Hell it seems that the more injured a civilain is the more advantage he would get while saving said civilain.

President Mic: The previously thought to be useless quirk might just be the one that could make him into the perfect Hero.

Midnight: That would have been the case if not for *sigh* I have half a mind to go kick the association's ass. He's bascally the perfect student if they did not mess with his life he would have been the next #1.

Every staff agreed. Even Allmight, after he saw the report of the Hosu incident, he realised that Kaido could very well save lives while fighting. He had even saved a civilian that had multiple of vital injuries. He almost wanted to curse at the association. Because of them, a student that had no inflated ego, great analytical skills and two extremely powerfull quirks had zero interest of being a Hero. Nezu had told the staff what the heroes at Hosu heard. The hospital had asked Kaido for help saving a few patient that were injured and Kaido had refused.

Kaido: I am off the clock. It is your job to save them not me plus I tried to go into the medical field but every Med school rejected my application the moment they saw my file. Did not even gave me a lie about why they did and just straight up refused.

Kaido had first thought of being a doctor as with Kuma power and Kaido's endurance he could take the damage of anyone in this world, become rich and use his money to track down the last villain who killed his mother but that did not happen.

The UA staff were now certain that Kaido view Hero work as a job and would not go out of his way to help anyone he did not want to. They were puzzled as how they could change his mind as a too strong approach might further enforces his belief. They thought of using a friend to reach out to Kaido but due to the association public trashing his father, Kaido had no one that could be considered a friend. To the UA staff, it was like finding a priceless rough diamond but due to a thief they could not polish it. The association was the cause of this mess and they were also limiting the staff options, as the risk of Kaido becoming a villain was still there. The best Nezu could think of was to hope that the student from 1-A would influence Kaido.

Nezu: *Sigh* There is nothing we can do for now. As for as I've looked there has not been anyone that Kaido has made any emotional connection probably out of fear that the association would do what they did to his mother again. For now we can only treat him as the same as any other student.

*end of the staff meeting*

I was eating when some of my classmate came to eat with me. I was happy when I saw the girls but not so much when I saw izuku and Co were among them. Izuku apologised to me to which I just accepted to shut him up. I continue to eat when troll mouth came and hit izuku. I find it funny until he tried to get a rise out of me.

Monoma: Anything to say?

Kaido: Duck.

Monoma: Duc-

He got K.O by an orange haired girl. She told us of the context of the exam before leaving.

A few weeks went by and panic was spread among the student that did not study.

Kaido: Good luck.

Denki: How are you top of the class?

Everyone was also curious as I barely took any notes.

Kaido: I have an absolue memory I remember thing from my mother first and final words to what you just say like it just happened a minute ago.

Momo: If that's the case would you mind helping me with teaching them.

I accepted as I had nothing to do. When we arrived at Momo's hous-mansion, everyone but me was surprised. We went in and I taught a few things. Momo noticed that I kept looking at the window or other few place from time to time and asked me what was wrong?

Kaido: Nothing. You really have a good security here but you should tell the one beside the window to loosen his bloodlust towards me. It's getting annoying and I'm having the urges to rip his eyes out.

Everyone was shocked at by my words and a few minutes later some people came into the room. They were the bodyguard that I had sense and Momo's parent. They wanted to apologise at the bodyguards role were to protect Momo at all time. The others bought that lie but not me.

Kaido: Next time you want to lie, you should say they were focused on me since the moment I entered the estate due to sensing my strength. If you're gonna lie at least flatter the guy a little.

They were shocked that I was able to see through their lies. I opened the window, jumped out it and disapeared. The next time I saw Momo was at school where she apologised to me.

Kaido: It's all good.

Momo: Really?

Kaido: Yeah, I'm already used to it. It would have been weirder if they did not suspect me.

Momo looked even more sad. Guess she's feeling more guilty. Well it's not like I'm going to tell her that I really don't care as I wanted her parent to feel guitly. Yeah, I want to guilt trip her parent into not opposing me if I ever go with her. I keep saying this but I'm not a good guy.

I passed the written exam easily and as for the practical exam I was paired up with Jiro against President Mic. Since I never really showed off in front of her I thought it was a good time. I T posed and my hands started to shake while I was bringing my arms closer. By the end of it, I was holding a paw shaped transparent bubble. I asked her where was President Mic and she showed me the direction. I could find it with haki but that would have brought her contribution to zero. I sent the bubble into the air towards that direction and yelled after telling her to cover her ears.


As the bubble was falling it explode sending a shock way. It desimated the forest, Jiro was fine as she had hid behind me but President Mic was sent flying due to the shock. Long story short we passed.