Chapter 12: Forbidden Jutsu!!

I landed between Momo and Mina. There was a splash since Momo was in the water and Mina was sitting on a rock all comando, a style I'm starting to respect. The water felt nice. The girls didn't seem to realize that I was closing in on them. I touched Momo's shoulder and Mina's ass cheek to wake them up.

Kaido: You alright?

Every girl's face redden before they screamed. Some tried to throw things at me but my skin was too tough to even be scratched by the metal pillar Momo threw at me.


I was surprised by Mina but then again I did grab her ass. The teachers came and after I explain to them everything they calmed down since I was technically helping the girls but accidentally fell into their side. Mina was still a little bit upset about this.

Mina: THEN W-why did you touch my ass?

She said it while becoming red. This was the moment to use one of my forbidden techniques. Guy-sensei FORGIVE ME!!!

Kaido: I tend to relax in a hot spring or anytime I'm submerged by water if I don't focus enough to resist. This leads me to forget stuff like you all being naked. You and Momo were acting weird so I wanted to check out of curiosity. Don't forget you were giving me weird looks.

That's right the forbidden technique Bullshit No Jutsu!!!

Momo: You were naked!! How were we supposed to react?

Everyone agreed with her statement. Honorary Uchiha sensei decided to end this whole thing.

Aizawa: We'll deal with this later for now you all should go to sleep and Kaido...

Every girl and heroine's face was red.

Kaido: Yes?


Right, I was still naked but I did not care since I was ripped and cut like no other. There was nothing to be ashamed of so I did not mind showing off and my haki told me that quite a few of the girls kept looking and some were even fantasizing at this point. My goal was achieved. I wasn't going to do it here. It would be too suspicious. With this, there would be a reason for the girls to come at me, and then with the use of the Paw Paw Devil Fruit, they would be able to find someone better than me.

You see when I said I had not made any progress with any girl I meant any girl in the class. Melissa Shield and I are now friends with benefits. Thanks to her I learn that I did not need to use the Paw Paw Devil Fruit to seduce a woman but I should use it to make me the best under the sheets. Zoro felt unending pain when he received Luffy's damage and pain but what if you used the same technique but with pleasure. It would bring a bigger one when feeling it all in an instant than what would happen if you repeat it. Let's add the fact that I have the stamina of Kaido.

Just remembering about it makes it hard not to laugh. As I left I felt Mina stare at me, she was faking being angry since what I felt from her stare was a little bit of lust. I have absolute memory so from what I remembered from Big Mouth that girls are just as horny as boys. I'm the exception since 7 out of 10 women you would meet in this world are 8 and up. That was one of the ways I endured all those years without breaking anyone's neck. I had eye candy. Too bad Sanji was not here since I think I have found his ALL BLUE.

The next day, we were starting our training. As I was looking at Momo, Mina, and Jiro's ass with my Haki I remembered how I told my father that I was a reincarnated person.


We were playing at the park and he was there with his fake smile. He saw that I was looking at a direction of a kid playing on a swing and was about to lift me up to go there when he heard me.

Kaido:....What a Thicc ass!

He stopped and looked again begind the kid was a mother next to a guy that was pushing the kid on the swing. He looked at me with acknoledgement in his eyes.

Rocks: My son is will be a man of cultur-

He stopped when he realised a four year old boy should not have such thought...yet. Later, he questionned me and since I was still getting used to my body I was not able to hide my body language which was as clear as day in from of him. At first he thought I was someone from the association disguised as his son. He really was about to lose it so I had not choice but to tell him the truth.

Rocks: So... You just remembered you're past life and you know about the future?

Kaido: Yeah.

He question me about a few things that a four year old could not answer. He did add a few question about Hero, my answers convinced him since I wanted to get rich. I would be a hero if the pay was great but if not I would just act like a genius, learn early and become a famous doctor. At that point in time I had realized I could take the pain of my patient and be fine. I could heal a douzen a day. Hah the innoncence of youth.

This made him believe it as the association would not be able to create such a story. They were as uptight as you could get. They could not even think of using reincarnation as a cover up plus he felt it that it was his son. After the age of Hero started every mangas, comics and movies have been about heroes. Creativity was the true victim of the quirk apparition.


I went to Mineta and told him to close his eyes after the third pussy cat member. He did not listen to me.

Kaido: Remember that was me trying to appoligize and warn you.

I left.

Mineta: Huh! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me thrice shame on- MY EYES!!!

He saw tiger. This was all acording to plan. I still needed him for a few of my plans. You must still have trust in me my little scapegoat. WORORORORO!

My training was just to take Izuku's punches. It was the punishment they decided. I was to help Izuku since I could heal him and could take his full punch with a scratch. He realised that he could go up to 6% without hurting himself.

The training ended and we were the one that needed to cook. I impressed everyone with my cooking skills.

Kaido: You think just because I'm perfect in combat and healing I can't cook! Too bad but I'm perfect at this as well.

Momo: How? How can this be this good? Just eating it and I feel energized.

Kaido: Years of self practice. Starving and trying not to poison myself were a great motivation.

They did not care about my sad story as they were eating and asking for refills. the secret to my skill is the awakening of the Paw Paw Devil Fruit, before I was an average cook but after I was able to repel any bad taste and cocentrate the good taste as well as nutrience.

The look of short fuse was worth all of this as he wanted more but did not ask. He cried a little bit at the end when everything was eaten. That's what you get for being arrogant and not prideful like me.

At night, I woke up as I sensed someone I knew coming over here. I decided to go meet that person in the middle as I didn't feel the pussy cat member watching me anymore. The moment the girls had screamed I had felt her eyes on me. When I arrived at my destination I found Mina was walking in front of me.

I called her out.

Kaido: Can't sleep either?

Mina: Y-Yeah!

We walked a little bit before she stopped and asked me if I liked anyone. I chanel the power of Luffy to act as if I was oblivious to the meaning of the question. She kept asking in different ways until she asked me.

Mina: Okay than what you would do if you liked someone.

Kaido: hmm... I would just straight up go for the head.

Mina: the head?

She was a little confused.

Kaido: I mean kiss her. If she feels the same good if not then at least I got a kiss WORORORO-HM

Yeah a thing that down graded with the rise of hero is HR policy since everyone has a hard on for heroes. Anyway the reason I stopped laughing was because she landed he lips onto mine. I grabbed her head and kissed back.

-------------------- Little R-18----------

We opened our mouths and wrestle with our tongues. Neither of us was fighting for dominion but for pleasure. My tongue went up then entangled with her with passion. We stayed like this for a few minutes before parting our lips leaving a slimy bridge of saliva connecting our lips. We huffed and glupped and the sight of the other.

My other hand was already going for her left asscheek and squeezed it. It felt like the softed bunch I've ever had. It was diferent from Melissa as Mina was more athletic. Her muscle resisted my hand but the softness was enviting me further in. She started to moan as I squeezed harder and kissed her neck. She did not mind it in fact she was all for it. I sensed it with my haki as well as our little spectator. I went from two kiss from her lips slowly kissing downward every few centimeter till I reach the level of her collarbone then I stopped. My hand that was on her head went down as my left hand grabbed her waist. It reached her cave that was moist and entered. There was both resistance that was stopping my finger from going further and suction that was not allowing them to go back. I used two of my finger to feel around and find her One Piece *Cough* I mean her G spot. It took a little bit of Mina's moaning and my fingers moving to find it while my thumb was caressing her clit.

Kaido: We should stop here.

------------------------ End of R-18-----------------

Mina: HUH?! WHY?!

Kaido: If we go a little further we might wake up the teacher and Aizawa-sensei would be pissed.

Mina was still horny and wanted to continue. I saw that as her arms were still wrapped aroung my shoulders and my right hand was wet.

Kaido: How about after the camp we continue.

She was still a little it hesistant. I leaned close to her left hear.

Kaido: If we do it later, I will do want you want me to do... I will go all...the...way.

I bit her ear a little bit and she moaned a little bit. I left after giving her one last sensual kiss and a charming smile. If I did not have haki I would not have felt her blush as she was already reder than Akainu's magma after my bite.

I would have continue if I didn't sense the teacher were about to wake up if I made her moan loader. Hell I would have invited Momo to join in if not for that. Yeah Momo was the spectator.

After I left, I sensed that Mina discovered Momo was watching us and it seems like they talked for a while before going back to bed.