Last Day (1)

"Happy Birthday sweetheart!" My dad announced happily. He was standing by the door holding it a bit open so he could see inside. "Can, I come in?" He added with a smile.

I nodded my head and he walked in playfully wiggling his stiff waist as he approached my bed —an attempt to make me laugh, he failed.

"I thought I'll be the one to wake up the birthday girl this year. How are you feeling my princess?" He asked dropping a kiss on my forehead.

Kelvin was usually the one to wake me on my birthdays.

He came to my room as early as four each year to scream my ears off.

This year though, he didn't come.

I knew he was awake around that time because I couldn't sleep throughout the night.

I literally heard when everyone woke up.

Mum woke up at about five am to start preparing the party meal.

Kelvin was up even earlier, doing stuff in the basement. He didn't come to wish me. He was definitely still angry about what I said to him.

Mum hadn't said a word to me since I got back home from the library yesterday and I still couldn't find a story on chosen children. Not on the internet. Not in the library. Not from anyone.

No one wanted to talk to me.

The only person who cared to talk to me was my dad.

Yet, somehow, I couldn't ask him about that too.

I was scared to even he would ignore me.

So, when he asked how I was doing, the emotions overwhelmed me. I started crying.

"I am not fine dad. So much is happening. I am scared," I cried burying my face in his chest. I wasn't fine.

"It's okay princess. As long as I am here you will be fine. Always." He held me tight in his arms like he automatically understood me.

"Everyone hates me," I said, sobbing in his arms.

"No, no baby, no one hates you. We all love you. Everyone loves you, that's why they are all in their houses right now preparing presents for you," he said.

"Why didn't Kelvin come to wake me then?" I asked into his shirt.

On a different day, I would have never thought I would say that out loud. But yes, I missed my brother. I really wished he could come to say something annoying to me right now. He could even call me a dingbat if he wanted. It just felt wrong waking up on a day like this without him prying into my affairs.

My dad pulled me up, so I was now sitting straight, "Princess, Kelvin is busy creating something special for your birthday. He told me to come to you in his place."

"Oh," I said drily at the obvious excuse. I didn't believe that Kelvin could be making me a gift. Even when we were at our best, he never made me a gift.

I tried searching my dad's face for signs but he shifted his attention to different locations in my room but never my face, proving me right. He was making excuses.

An awkward silence filled the room.

Kelvin never made me anything. The wake-up call was always his idea of a birthday gift.

"Speaking of presents," he said, brightening up my room with his smile again, "look what I got you." He brought out a small purple packet from his pockets and handed it to me.

I wiped my face with the back of my hands and I took the packet. Inside, I found the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in all of Aromes!

"Dad!" I screamed in joy. Words failed me.

It was a tiny silver necklace with a small silver leaf as a pendant. It was so tiny, yet shiny and pretty.

"Dad, thank you so much. I love it!" I announced, wrapping my arms around him.

"Don't I deserve a kiss too?" He asked with a smile.

"Hmm, no!" I said, smiling too.

"Oh! My chest!" He gasps. He put up his left hand on his chest, feigning pain.

"Oh, dad," I laughed. "Okay, I'll give you a kiss if you help me put it on," I told him.

Moments like this made me love my dad even more. He always tried his very best to make me happy. I would never get hurt with him around, that was for sure.

Like now, he just made my day a happy one, despite all the happenings. Kelvin could keep sulking for all I cared. I needed peace and quiet.

"Okay, hand it to me," he said showing me his palms.

I placed the jewelry in his palm and turned around. I lifted my hair off my neck —as he placed the necklace gently on me— so he could clasp it. I felt contented.

"There you go. Just like a true princess," he said as he finished. He turned me back towards him and I gave him a peck on his right cheek.

"Thank you, Dad," I said, my happiness radiating on my face through a big smile.

"You are welcome, princess. Now, I have to go help your mum in the kitchen. Make sure you come down in time for breakfast," he said. He got up and dropped another kiss on my forehead before moving to the door.

"Yes, dad." He blew me another kiss before disappearing out the door.

I got up from my bed and stood in front of my dressing mirror to admire my gift.

The leaf represented one of the greatest achievements of the Aromes, plant.

Light bounced on the silver, making it look even more beautiful. Almost like a diamond.

My fingers caressed the cold metal on my neck, it was a unique piece. It made me feel beautiful. It made me feel like a real princess. Above all, it made me feel loved.

Putting all my problems behind me, I took a long calming shower. After the shower, I chose a white body con gown from my drawer to wear.

I needed to feel all the love I could today. It was my birthday after all.

It was well past forty minutes when I left the comfort of my bedroom and descended the stairs to the dining area.

Everyone was seated helping themselves to the plates of waffles and fish and salad that lined the table.

"Good morning!" I greeted happily.

"Hey princess, you look stunning!" My dad exclaimed. He got up from his chair and came to hug me. "My baby has become a grown woman! Kelvin, what do you think?" He asked. I know dad was just trying to ease the tension in the room but it wasn't working.

Kelvin who was deeply invested in his plate of waffles only snorted in reply. He didn't even raise an eye to me or my outfit.

At that point, I think I would have hugged him even if he just teased me. But he only snorted. He didn't even spare me a glance.

The whole room went silent. Only my dying heart could be heard.

My own brother hated me!

My dad looked helpless. He was caught between comforting Kelvin and reprimanding me.

"Kelvin, your father asked you a question!" Mum suddenly said. Her strong voice pierced the silence and thick tension that had taken over the room.

Has she forgiven me?

"She looks fine," he whispered to the utensils in front of him.

"Good," she said. "Happy birthday Xena. Come have your breakfast before it gets cold." There was a smile on her face. But the smile was only there to hide a thousand emotions.

"Come..." my dad trailed. He placed me on my seat and returned to his. "Let's eat!" He announced cheerfully.

As I slowly picked up my fork to eat, I felt my mum's eyes on me. I looked up from my plate and she smiled.

"Enjoying your meal?" She asked which was strange because my first bite was still suspended in the air and she was never the type to ask how we felt about our meals.

"Huh-uh," I replied shoving the fork in my mouth. I chewed the piece of waffle and struggled to swallow. It felt heavy in my mouth.

Is this my last meal?

I looked up to my dad and he –unlike my mum who barely touched her food –was throwing food in his mouth so fast like he hadn't eaten for days.

"I-need-to-hurry-up," he said, the food muffling his words.

For what?

"The cake. I need to go pick the cake," he added. Once again, it felt like he heard my inner voice.

Not long after he said the words, he excused himself from the table. He gave each of us a peck on the head and I couldn't help but notice that mine was longer.

Once again, the gloomy shadow of something terrible happening to me descended and tensed the room.

No, Xena. He just did that because today is your birthday. . .

My mind tried to reassure me but somehow, I just knew something wasn't right.