Pain of Disappointment

Then he turned his face to me.

I flinched back at the horrific sight in front of me. My heart shook in its cage and I felt like crying at the pain of disappointment that ate at my insides.

This wasn't Rema.

The person in front of me had empty holes in the sockets that should have held his eyes. But that wasn't the horror.

The empty sockets were leaking dark substances and its face was morphed into a sad feature.

I took a step back and covered my mouth to swallow the sob that was threatening to escape due to all the pain I felt inside.

This was my captor's way of breaking me, and I fell for it.

I struggled to put my trembling body into control. I had to stay strong. I had seen everyone dead by now. Rema's image shouldn't break me like this. Fisting my hands, I took another step back and cleared my throat.

This time I won't run.