Faded Reality

Abandoned and alone...

I rolled around on the bed, unwilling to get up. Unwilling to face reality. I just wanted to escape, to relive the memory Rema and I shared.

I closed my eyes and thought of him. Instead, the evil version of him flashed before my eyes.

'Be careful Xena. Z-Zula is coming for you.'

I could almost hear his warning husky voice float around me.

"Why is Zula after me? Why does she want to kill me? What did I do to her?" I asked out loud, my eyes were wide open at this point.

My dad knew about Zula. My mom knew about Zula. I'm sure Kelvin also knew about Zula. Everyone did. I was the only one in the dark.

Did my dad make a deal with the devil?

Was Zula the devil?

Was I the bargain?