The Countdown

I ran as fast as my injured leg could take. Someone might be in danger and I was the only one here to help them. The scratches and bruises on my hands were already healing. There was barely a pinch from them, so I only had my strained leg to worry about.

The scream resonated in the air again. Its echoes left a path for me to take and I followed the sound. It sounded like a bunch of people going through torture. Like they were being mutilated. Like someone was being chopped down into tiny pieces. There was so much pain in the scream, that my heart ached for whoever it was. Their pain fueled my weak body and I ran faster.

I ran past my street and went further into the island. My heart was in my chest for I feared where the scream led me. 

The Arômes park.

The last time I was there, I met that creature that pretended to be my mother. Thinking back to it, I realized that, it was only my fear that played tricks on me.