Xena: Broken

"Xena!" He choked and I stopped trying to turn the steering and dropped to my knees.

"Rema, what is it?" I screamed with a shaky voice. My entire body was on edge. This was a nightmare in the real sense of it.

I reached for his right cheek and held him. He was burning hot. He leaned into my hand and he looked like he was struggling to say something but he couldn't. I swallowed my silent sobs and sniffed. "Rema, what's wrong?"

"My chest is burning." He managed to breath out.

It was like a lightning had gone ablaze in my chest. I felt empty but I refused to break. I had to be strong for him.

My hands went to his shirt and just on impact, it was certainly hot. He was indeed burning.

I tore the shirt open as I couldn't even consider taking it over his head but the sight of what was beneath his t-shirt brought tears to my eyes.

I shrank back in shock as tears filled my eyes.

"How bad is it?" He choked.