Xena: The Missing Page

"Xena! Xena!"

I stirred awake and turned my head in the direction of the voice. I was still in the boat and it was Diane calling me. Somehow I had cried so much and slept giving up on everything.

"Xena, it's almost time for the ceremony. You need to leave! You can't just sit here and cry!"

I looked at her from head to toe and turned my head away. There was no point talking to her. She was dead already. She didn't have feelings. She didn't know what it felt like to be my heart right now. She didn't know what it was like to be me. I had lost everything. And there was absolutely no assurance that I was even going to make it to begin with. There was nothing.

"Xena!" She pulled me roughly to stare at her and I felt something tear apart deep within me.

"Don't you ever pull me like that!" I snapped pulling my hand away from her.

Diane took a step back and watched me with fear.