Xena: My Mother

It was all over.

It was like a joke. I felt weird maybe because I thought the struggle would be stronger yet it wasn't. Zula just let me go like that.

I fell to the ground and hugged myself. As I remembered how much pain I had gone through. How I had struggled trying to find out what was going on. At first I thought it was a joke or a prank. I thiught everyone was somewhere safe watching and laughing at me. And then I had thought they were being kidnapped. What was it I didn't think?

I even hurt myslef hoping to wake up from the dream. It was a never ending loop of pain and now —just like that, it was over.

I wanted to cry but no tears left my eyes. I just sat there on the floor in front of my house and I kept rocking myself back and forth. The evil was gun. I could feel it in the air.