Rema: My Story

A few Hours Ealier:

I woke up in a quiet world. Everywhere was dark. I couldn't see anything. But I could feel. The ground beneath me was sandy. I stretched my ears and tried to pick out sounds to confirm my location.

I heard the sounds of the waves. There were waves around me. I was by the beach!

Suddenly, I could see a bright light coming from a far distance. I squinted my eyes and I saw it drew nearer.

"Rema," the familiar voice called.

I turned around and I found Diane. The girl that had come to my dream to tell me that Zula wanted to kill me. 

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Zula wants you to return to Xena. She finds her fortunate enough and wants her to be happy. You need to make her happy," she said.

I was still in shock when I found myself being poked by a small finger. It was little Gena.

"How?" I asked unsure of what was happening.