Xena: Dangerous Stairs

I was turning back to the counter when I suddenly felt the hair at the back of my neck stand.

I turned to where my mum and brother were and I found that they had frozen.

"What is this?" I whispered as a frown settled on my face.

What was going on now?

I started walking towards them when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned abruptly and found Rema.

"Rema— did you— what's going on?" I whispered. I wanted to ask if he had been the one who froze them but that would have been stupid how did he get the ability to do that? It made no sense.

"What is going on?" I asked back. His brows were raised and he was watching me with confusion in his eyes.

"Can't you see?" I said turning to point at my mom and brother and I met them staring at me.

"Can't he see what?" My mom asked as she also furrowed her brows.