Xena: The Beginning of the End

"The town wants to organize a party in your honor. What do you think?" My dad asked as Rema brought me to him.

I stared up at Rema's handsome face and then back at my dad. "Is that really necessary? They have done so much already. I don't think I need a new party to my name." I replied with a roll of my eyes.

Sincerely, I was tired of the amount of love I was getting. I wanted it, which was true. But I was starting to feel too exposed with the way everyone looked at me. I knew that deep down, some of them didn't want me to survive. People like Olaf. So having another party in my name, was only going to make them hate me further.

"No baby, we haven't done enough. You went through so much for us. The least they can do is appreciate you like this," my dad insisted.

"How about Rema? He had died for me… why can't they hold a party for him? Besides why are we even celebrating this?" I cried out as the events of that morning returned to me.